Do You Remember Your Dreams


Endlessly Groovin'
Do you remember the things you dream about every night? I dream in color, and sometimes have very vivid and detailed dreams. The good ones are exceptional, and the occassional nightmare can be extra bad.

When I dream, I'm always younger than I really am. When I dream of relatives, they also are in their younger state, whether they're still alive or have passed. Most dreams are pleasant, like lilac-colored chow chow puppies or paisley patterned cats...yes, guilty, I'm an animal lover. :)

Sometimes I have lucid dreams, I know in the dream that I'm dreaming, and I can go with the flow, like if I'm flying, I can take it to the max and enjoy. If I'm in a bad dream, I can sometimes acknowledge that it's a dream and wake myself up.

Anyone have any interesting dreams or recurring dreams you'd like to share?

Ever since I began polyphasic sleep patterning and gave up practicing lucid dreaming I've not had any dreams I can remember. Whether this is a good or bad thing I'll leave to the pshrinks, but so far I'm not crazy.

... that I know of.
I usually can remember what my last dream was when first awakening then they fade but there have been occasions
when parts of a particular dream has stayed with me for weeks for some reason and then something will happen and I get that deja vu feeling, probably a case of dreaming about something that's on my mind that I have to do, I dunno but it's strange when it happens.

Ever since I began polyphasic sleep patterning and gave up practicing lucid dreaming I've not had any dreams I can remember.

I'm not familiar at all with polyphasic sleep patterning, can you give a simple explanation? :sleep:

I usually can remember what my last dream was when first awakening then they fade but there have been occasions
when parts of a particular dream has stayed with me for weeks for some reason and then something will happen and I get that deja vu feeling, probably a case of dreaming about something that's on my mind that I have to do, I dunno but it's strange when it happens.

That deja vu feeling is strange isn't it Maggis? I know what you're talking about. We often dream of something that's been bugging us, or something that we need to take care of.

There's parts of certain dreams that stay with me for years, and many times I have at least one part of the same dream again. I've had a premonition dream when I was younger. Three times in a row, I dreamed I was in bed sick and being visited by my friends. I told my mother that I may be coming down with the flu or something, and I may be too sick to get out of bed.

A few days later, a drunk driver nodded off at the wheel, and hit me while I was waiting to cross an intersection with a stoplight. He drove right onto the sidewalk. Luckily I wasn't seriously hurt or killed, but I did spend some time in the hospital with friends and family visiting me. That was weird, nothing similar has happened since then, but I always pay attention to any dreams that I remember.
I Pray every night to not remember dreams. I have had too many in the long-ago past that were the window to real events-----------------------

I get along just fine waking up and not remembering a thing.
