Do you talk to yourself?

I've lived by myself for a while now. I had three cats. But one by one, they went. When Fuzzybuddy passed, I was going to get another cat, or 2. But then, my health isn't that great. I'm 71. I can't be lugging 25 lb. bags of litter a round. I'm getting hard of hearing-the TV is super loud. Should I subject an animal to that? So I decided not to get a pet. And then I started to talk to my self-a lot. Do you talk to yourself?

I've always been a pretty quiet guy.
Most of the jobs I've had I was pretty much alone.
I have started talking to myself, for a few reasons.
I talk out problems and challenges. I read some time ago that many programmers talk out challenges as it engages multiple parts of the brain that have different perspectives on things. Actually, the programmers started by talking to a rubber duck - and the process is now called 'rubber duck debugging' or just 'rubber ducking'.
I say things that I need to do or remember. It does help me remember. I deduce it's because of the multiple parts of the brain involved.
I've also gone a couple (few?) days w/o talking - and then when I do need to talk, the first sentence doesn't come out right, sometimes not right at all. Talking back at the TV covers this nicely.
I've tried asking myself questions - I just don't trust the answers - if I knew the answer I wouldn't have asked, so there's not much point to it.
Yes, all the time. My wife even worries about me. I especially like to talk to my cats and dogs. And if they don't listen I continue talking to me.
Psychologists say its normal and even healthy. I'm at the age where I'm the only one that seems to want to hear all the great ideas I have. I also have some audible talks with God, and I know He listens to me. But the important thing is _ do I listen to Him.
Not yet!!!

There's six people living in this home along with 2 dogs and 2 cats. When I've talked to all of them I'm too "tuckered out" to talk to myself. And BTW, the conversations cover quite a range starting with my wife who's 81 down to our grand-daughter who just turned 16. As I'm also a "food source", the dogs will usually pay attention when I speak to them. No matter what I'm saying, I think that they assume that it has something to do with food. The cats rarely even glance in my direction, no matter what words or noises I'm directing to them. In their case, I might as well be talking to myself!!!;)
I've lived by myself for a while now. I had three cats. But one by one, they went. When Fuzzybuddy passed, I was going to get another cat, or 2. But then, my health isn't that great. I'm 71. I can't be lugging 25 lb. bags of litter a round. I'm getting hard of hearing-the TV is super loud. Should I subject an animal to that? So I decided not to get a pet. And then I started to talk to my self-a lot. Do you talk to yourself?

I talk to myself when I need some really intelligent conversation.
