Fans of Martin Clunes (Doc Martin)


Senior Member
can see him in a new comedy, Warren, on Amazon Prime. Quite a different character from the impeccably groomed Doc Martin. I got a few laughs but Rotten Tomatoes gave it 17% if you pay attention to that sort of thing.

I'll have to see that! He was a very interesting character as Doc Martin. I loved to hear him say "come through" to his patients. Thanks for the heads up..
can see him in a new comedy, Warren, on Amazon Prime. Quite a different character from the impeccably groomed Doc Martin. I got a few laughs but Rotten Tomatoes gave it 17% if you pay attention to that sort of thing.
I watched the first episode & didn't care for it. I did watch all of William and Mary on Prime. Loved that.

Don't like Doc Martin, can't stand the moaning character... plus since martin Clunes cut me up in his car and nearly pushed me off the road, one day some years ago, I've never been very keen on him as a person...
love martin clunes --- not keen on the doc character'' he has a love for horses -ect ' seems a timid soul type !
Don't like Doc Martin, can't stand the moaning character... plus since martin Clunes cut me up in his car and nearly pushed me off the road, one day some years ago, I've never been very keen on him as a person...

WOW, there must be quite a story behind that incident. You, Clunes and knife all in his car. How did that happen. Imagination running wild here. :eek:
The character of Doc Martin is annoying and one dimensional.
No one is so unpleasant all the time even with his wife. Clunes needs
a variety of reactions. They teach you that in Acting 101.
I used to enjoy the show, not any more. But it is funny how we say we like a certain
actor or actress based on their character alone. No idea what the real Clunes is like,
or any actor in real life. Clunes might be the opposite of his character.
I absolutely love Doc Martin. One of my favorites. I haven't seen the newest season though. I do agree he went a little overboard on the grumpy, insulting character he plays.

I love the characters in that show, the location, the dialog and the writing. Nice and quirky. No violence, no constant cussing. My father in law was a doctor and my husband says that character reminds him alot of his dad. Except his dad wasn't that judgmental and insulting.

I will try and find "Warren".
I could never understand what Louisa saw in him! But I guess that was part of the joke.

I fell in love with the scenery of that show. Not the story, the characters, the actors, or anything else about it, it was the scenery. It impelled me to go on a tour of Cornwall to see for myself if it was really that beautiful. (It is.) We even visited and spent a night in the town where the show was filmed.
Holly, you said Clunes cut you up in his car. I imagine that's where the knife came into it.

Did you mean "cracked me up?" Or was that a Briticism that we Yanks don't get? šŸ˜
I'd watch Doc Martin even if I didn't like the show. I'd watch for the scenery alone. I'd love to live in Port Isaac where it is filmed.
No the phrase ''cut me up'' is used here to mean someone who drove dangerously enough to push you off the road in your car !!!

Thanks. I feel so much better. :)
