Favorite children's books

There are many hundreds of editions of Grimm's Fairy Tales illustrated countless different illustrators. I've known book collectors whose entire collection was just different editions of Grimm's Fairy Tales.

Yes, the book in the picture is small compared to the large book I remember at my home, so it's not likely to be the same one.

My sister used to read to me from a large hard cover book Grimm's Fairy Tales, with color illustrations. I don't know if this was the book, it's from 1947, so it might have been. It was a bit spooky to me at the time.


I am a big fan of Grimm tales, as I've mentioned numerous times, My must see tv show is Grimm, which has had many episodes over the past few years based on some of the Grimm Fairy Tales. Definitely, the lighter rewritten versions, were some of my favorites as a child.
The first book I ever read that I just couldn't put down was Half Magic by Edward Eager. I was eight years old and it was a book for my first school book report. I took it with me everywhere. I remember sitting in our car reading it while my parents were at a car dealership looking to buy a car. It began a lifelong love of books. I've wondered if I keep looking for another book that affected me the same as Half Magic did.
Christian Anderson's Fairy Tales and Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit were my favorites as a toddler. I had Potter's Peter Rabbit china and cutlery sets as well which I passed on to my nieces. I have a son and he was not interested. :)
My parents were modern 1950s parents. They stuck me in front of the TV. I never got kid's books. So the most important book was "Dick And Jane" in school. I'm dyslexic, so I had a hard time. I'm also Dick, so Dick read. Read, Dick, read. I love the color yellow, and I think it was Sally, well one of the kids had bright yellow hair. Run, Spot ,Run. Plot wasn't a big issue in the first grade.
I loved The Man Who Never Washed His Dishes and a series called All-of-a-Kind Family. My sister was 5 years ahead of me in school, so as a very young kid my mother read to me Johnny Tremain. My mother would read to me for hours till her voice cracked. When I learned to read on my own I loved Nancy Drew Mysteries.
I love love love reading. No Kindle for me :( I have to hold and feel the book in my hands. A favourite of mine is Aesop's fables but there are so many other books I would read as a child. Wish I could remember them all. I had Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. Very interested to see some of the books that others have read. Have over 300 books on my shelves and some in the attic. Fiction, non-fiction, books when I was studying, books for children in German as I'm learning the language. The Secret Garden is in German thankfully I can remember some of the story in English:) . How fantastic. Oh to have had a book shop or visited fairs. I really hope others list some of their favourite books and provide pictures of covers from years back. So so interesting. I just found The Little Grey Men by BB which I think was Bilbo Baggins - one of Tolkien's works. I also had a book by Enid Blyton but not sure that would be politically correct nowadays. Have Gulliver's Travels another one I enjoyed. You have inspired me to check the attic to see what books I have that I read as a child. Thank you.☺
Thanks for reminding me of Black Beauty! In third grade I read it over and over! My teacher was Mrs. Furman. She had to leave when she became pregnant before it showed. Jeez. Now teachers not only work till giving birth but are unmarried as well! :D I did so love that book.
Does anyone remember the Janet and John books for young children? I guess in more recent days they were considered very stereotypical e.g John helped father to wash the car and Janet helped mother in the kitchen and thus not representative of more modern times in many ways. I read that they were based on Alice and Jerry in the USA? (Mabel O'Donnell) ??
Just looked at the response to this post before :sleep: Fantastic feedback (if that's the right word here).I cannot tell you how much pleasure it gives me to see pictures of covers on books I've never heard of, but also titles of books I've never heard of. Is there a word for someone who loves loves loves books? :)
My daughter loved the (now controversial) Noddy books when she was little. The Babysitter's Club series was a favourite, as well as the Peter Rabbit series. We spent hours at libraries and bookstores. Her first book was a "soft book" that she would hold and look at while I changed her diapers. We had story-time while she nursed, and at bed-time, until she could read for herself. Goodnight Moon was a bedtime favourite for awhile, as she could pick out words from it .. those were memorable years, sitting in the rocking chair together, reading 🥰

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