I Wish New People Who Register Would Post Something in Their Profiles About Themselves

Ruthanne, I am SO sorry for hijacking your thread like this! I ran amok. I not only hijacked it, I took it to Havana and rolled it off the runway!!!

Back on topic: I tried to get people on another forum to do exactly what you're talking about here. When they would post their Introduction, I would welcome them and then invite them to tell us a little about themselves in their profile. That's the best place and time to catch it. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it did not.
And sometimes you have to accept the fact that some people are very private and will share things in their own time with those they feel comfortable with.
I don't remember if I put anything in my profile and have no idea how to find it to add anything. 😯
Here's what you do:

-At the top of the page, in the blue bar, you'll see your Username off to the right.
--Click on it

-An information box will drop down
--Click on Account Details

That takes you to the page where you can put your birthday, your location, your gender, and a bunch of other data. This information is public to whoever comes to your account page, merely by clicking on your avatar (picture) or Username in any of your posts, and then clicking on your Username in the pop-up box. This goes to your account, where people click on About. Obviously, you can do this for any member here. (There are other ways to get to Account pages.)

You've not put anything in your Profile. If you do, keep in mind that it's available to everyone.

Here is Ruthanne's. Only the fields she chose to fill in are displayed:

SF ruthanne.jpg

Here is mine:
SF me.jpg
Do you see the top right hand corner where your name and the E pic are?
Click on your name and it should bring up a box with a drop down menu.
Click where it says account details and just put your info in. 😉