In my opinion, The purpose of life is . . . . . . . . . !


"Angel whisperer"
Can you finish this sentence?

"tHE PURPOSE OF LIFE IS. . . . .. . . . .!"

In my opinion, The purpose of life is, THE EXPANSION OF HAPPINESS.

How would you finish this sentence?

I have never understood why we are here. Why we were made and placed in this universe to live. I don't understand what it is we're supposed to be doing here other than being born, growing up, working and dying. Seems a bit pointless to me. Then again I don't have much of a life so I can understand why I would view it this way.
I have never understood why we are here. Why we were made and placed in this universe to live. I don't understand what it is we're supposed to be doing here other than being born, growing up, working and dying. Seems a bit pointless to me. Then again I don't have much of a life so I can understand why I would view it this way.
I couldn't have said it better, and word-for-word!
so dogs and cats won't have to work
Excepting working sheep dogs and I'm with you! .

Thread topic I may have answered somewhere before, and I certainly argued with my mother about it as an impressionable young man. I told her "The purpose of life is to love others", whilst she said, "The purpose of life is survival", (I've moved in the fifty years since more over to her position!? :sneaky: ).
