Medic Alert button units

I haven't. I'll be glad to learn about them, from you and from others posts, here.

I hope it works well for you.
I recently got one - waterproof with GPS. Everything explained well. I was told if I don't want to wear it to make sure to put it where I can reach it, even in bathroom.

Anyone have/used one?
good luck with it. let us know the details like how much it costs for the service and how well it goes for you.

Isn't a cell phone the same thing? You dial 911 instead of an operator calling 911? Am I wrong in my thinking here?
only difference is the medic alert is on you. the phone may be on the counter out of reach if you fall and break a hip.
I’ve had a Medical Care Alert since about 2015. I wear the button always at home. They are durable! Mine accidentally went thru the washer when I accidentally pulled it off with a tshirt..Need a land line for mine. I just have It for that and it was handy a few times when cell went down.

Jan 6 2016, wearing thick Sox on a slippery floor, my feet got tangled up with each other & I went down hard. Couldn’t get up, pain. Pressed the button. I was yelling at the speaker & the ambulance squad arrived in 20 min.Fractured femur.
Along with the button is a lock box for the door with my key. Operator gives the code to the responders.
i think there are others now that operate on cellphones, but I’m keeping mine as is.
Brand name simply Medical Care Alert. For what it is worth, it was recommended to me by an ER Dr’s in-law.
Years ago our ambulance service installed them, had a file folder on the trucks with the persons info, key location history med list...
Have responded to many of these calls over the years... nearly got shot over one...
Poor old lady thought someone was breaking into her house at 3 in the morning...
apparently rolled over on it
The medical alert button is probably superior over a cell phone because just one push of a button gets the job done. You might have to fumble with a phone depending on the situation or may not have it at hand. I don't think I really need one at this point but have considered it.
I had one while visiting an independent living, they required them. Continue with my own, they did have a bad habit of going off a lot, very sensitive.

I now wear one that has no monthly fees but connects directly to 911. Have not put to the test.

The problem with either one in my situation is I lose the ability to communicate, I just let it be known if I collapse just activates my pendant. Need to add a medical bracelet with my hospital info and condition.

The car I Drive had - On Star-it was better than the pendant, it alerted everyone, Police, Paramedic Fire Department an Ambulance that showed up during my last accident, very impressed... I have both...
Kaila, yes, the systems are designed to work within a certain generous number of square feet. My button worked from the kitchen floor to the living room. And they they recommend people run tests periodically. You call a number on your land line and they set it up in test mode & you can try it from different rooms.
Though I’m not quite ready for an alert button, I did buy a watch that works with my cellphone. My main worry is a fear of falling because of limited vision. One evening at dusk I tripped on a little lip of concrete at the front of a store. Went down with a crash. The watch asked if I’d fallen and was ok. Yes, I was. Then it repeated asking if I was sure I ok. You can chose the icons you want on the face. One is direct access to dialling my phone verbally.

Years ago a neighbour died. He didn’t like to wear the alert. It was sitting on the dresser in his bedroom. He was in the living room.

We installed electronic keypads to access our house. Did this after another neighbour was able to let the paramedics in at 2 a.m.
I have one, have worn it most of the time when alone at home for the past 2 years or so. I feel much more secure knowing that if I should fall and be unable to get up, or something else awful like that happens, at least I might have a bit more of a chance of summoning help.

My unit says Greatcall on it. Not sure if that's the name of the company. It costs about $28 a month. It seems to work well; I've fortunately never needed it, but have tested it a few times, and a voice always answers immediately asking if I need help. They don't mind if it's a test or a false alarm, in fact, they encourage you to test it regularly.

If you do need help, they call 911 for you. I guess if you happen to be next to a phone, or have your cell phone in your hand, you can just as easily call 911 yourself. This is just additional help for those times when you can't get to a phone.

In the shower, I put it in a plastic bag to keep it dry, as I don't like wearing a wet cord around my neck. But I do want the thing in the shower, as that may be one of the main places where people fall.
I have an Apple Watch ⌚️ and it’s worked very well a few days ago when my husband slipped and fell while in the shed and broke his hip , it detected a fall then asked if he needed to call emergency services , he dismissed that and called me from his watch ( I was inside the house) .

My hubs is reasonably fit and active so slips and trips can happen to us despite being reasonably fit.

The call alerts are they are named in Australia requires you to have a landline
here in Aust so that’s an extra cost of $50~ $60 a month
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