My Cockatiel is madly in love.

Ruth n Jersey

Well-known Member
I let my Cockatiel out most of the day when I am home or on our porch when the weather is nice. He usually sits on my shoulder wherever I go but when I go into the room where I have my computer he can't wait to fly down to my stuffed bunny and gaze into her eyes. He will sit for a very long time doing that. My Grandfather made the little chair for me when I was small and my mom gave me the bunny a few years before she passed away. bunny and bird resized.jpg

Thanks SeaBreeze for the video. That cockatiel is the spitting image of my Kirby, attitude and all. He is doing quite well but a few weeks ago we had a close call. Every morning I let him out and he usually sits on my shoulder or on the top of his cage for most of the day. I get so use to him being there and this particular morning I had an extra messy bag of garbage and I heard the garbage truck coming. I dashed out of the house,dumped the garbage and decided to check on my flowers in the front yard. I only realized he was sitting on my shoulder when I was a few feet from the door. By the time I got in the house my legs were like rubber. I didn't calm down for hours. Kirby could have cared less but if he had flown to a tree I doubt I could have gotten him back. Sometimes he comes when I whistle but I think he would have gotten scared and kept on flying. I shudder just writing this. At least we had a happy ending.
Thanks SeaBreeze for the video. That cockatiel is the spitting image of my Kirby, attitude and all. He is doing quite well but a few weeks ago we had a close call. Every morning I let him out and he usually sits on my shoulder or on the top of his cage for most of the day. I get so use to him being there and this particular morning I had an extra messy bag of garbage and I heard the garbage truck coming. I dashed out of the house,dumped the garbage and decided to check on my flowers in the front yard. I only realized he was sitting on my shoulder when I was a few feet from the door. By the time I got in the house my legs were like rubber. I didn't calm down for hours. Kirby could have cared less but if he had flown to a tree I doubt I could have gotten him back. Sometimes he comes when I whistle but I think he would have gotten scared and kept on flying. I shudder just writing this. At least we had a happy ending.

Whew, Ruth!

Thank goodness he stayed with you.

I had a teil just like yours and SB's video made me miss him a little, in a good way.
Too funny! I bet he loves it because it's comfortable too. :) He's a pretty bird long have you had him?
I have had Kerby for about 14 years. I rescued him from a garage sale with two others that died a couple of years ago. I was told he was 2 or 3 when I got him. They came in a tiny cramped cage and the water was so foul the whole car smelled by the time I got home. I dropped them off and immediately went to the store and bought a very large cage. I didn't want them to spend another night in those conditions. I wanted to give the owners a piece of my mind but thought better of it. If I got her mad she may not have sold them to me and that would have been worse.
