Oh, God! Why are you reading this?

I'm out $60. After repeatedly trying to get my Walmart order straightened out. I ordered 4 2 liter Purell bottles. I got two tiny bottles. It's one of these things where you order though Walmart, but it's another company that really selling. I thought it was weird that there was no packing slip with the order, just a box with two bottle in it. I had the feeling this was going to be a rip off when I opened the box. They are unresponsive to emails, etc. Turns out the company has a 2.1 rating out of 10.

I'm out $60. After repeatedly trying to get my Walmart order straightened out. I ordered 4 2 liter Purell bottles. I got two tiny bottles. It's one of these things where you order though Walmart, but it's another company that really selling. I thought it was weird that there was no packing slip with the order, just a box with two bottle in it. I had the feeling this was going to be a rip off when I opened the box. They are unresponsive to emails, etc. Turns out the company has a 2.1 rating out of 10.
I would contest the charge with my CC company since obviously you didn’t get what you paid for.
Ha, the US Weather service is wrong. They said 8-12 inches of snow, we got 18. I was going to start shoveling, got all bundled up, got to the door, and decided later. I figure nobody was going to steal the snow. It'll be there tomorrow.

Damn, today, nobody stole the snow. I figured it out, in the last 35 years I've shoveled this deck over 250+ times. What gets me is that my driveway under 18 inches of snow, and 20 feet away I can see the grass. The wind enjoys dumping snow in my driveway. Last night, it was a winter dream scene all white and pure. This morning every critter known to man has walked across my property , leaving tracks.
Yesterday, I shovel snow. Today, my back does not feel too bad. But after activity, my pain usually takes three days to ripen. Thursday ought to be a day from hell.
I shoveled and shoveled. Now, we are supposed to get temps in the 50s,(F) with constant rain to melt away all that snow. Now, why could that happen yesterday?
Today is the first day I felt alive after shoveling on Monday. That wiped me out. I thought of moving to climate without any snow. If I had to, I'd move to Guam. A while back I took a google ride around Guam. It's all built up with big hotels, etc. But it's still small and livable. I wonder how many more winters will I be able to live alone.
One of the things I could never figure out was the delay in getting back pain. Today, my back let me know it did not appreciate shoveling snow on Monday -big time! I couldn't even put on socks today. If I believed in God, when I died, He'd better have one damn good reason for backpain.
BTW, I ordered 4 2liter jugs of Purell, and it came today. Turns out they sent me 6 1.5liter bottles. I liter more than I paid for. So, I'm out about $30 for 1 liter of Purell. Now, if the people, who ripped me off burn in hell, we'll be even.
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Last night, it was 10(F) and the wind was 20 -30 mph. As I fell asleep I thought that would make my old 30 year old furnace would conk out. @ 7AM-no furnace. Turns out I blew some kind of fuse. Repair and Sunday emergency call cost $450. I don't know why, but every time the damn furnace dies, it's on a Sunday.
The world is much brighter today. It's Jan 24th. I feel like my old self. Shoveling snow on the 8th wiped me out till now. I'm definitely not 18 anymore. I love reading about ancient Egypt. I got to the Ptolemies. They were a fun bunch. For them, incest and murder were art forms. The family motto was "murder your mate and marry your kid".
Got an update on my tablet-erased everything I put on it. It's like I just took it out of the box. Able somehow to restore it after clicking on anything that said restore. Apparently everything on my computer is stored in "the cloud". Anybody know who owns this cloud?

Having problems sleeping. If I get tired and bored I take a nap, but then I can't go to sleep at bed time. The time I nap keeps increasing till it's 4 hours nap-4 hours bedtime. That screws me up. All my life I slept 6 hours a day. The 8 hours makes me tired and miserable. It's hard getting back to sleeping only at night, again.

Why is life never easy?
There's a saga about Walmart & new car tires. Let's say we both screwed up. I was not impressed with the staff at the tire dept. Still need new tires.
I love the jewelry TV channel. They are hysterical. They start with a genuine simulated diamondite ring in gold-like metal, which if sold by Tiffany's would cost $1,400, but they can sell it for only $212, and since it's Monday Sale Day, it's now $37 , and $8 on stretchpay.
Don't know why, but I woke up thinking of my Xmas shopping Tiffany's in the mid 1970s. I remember walking around the store and the prices seemed like really good bargains. I was surprised I thought Tiffany's was expensive. I saw a watch for $1689 that just beautiful. Just right for my brother., and only $16.89. Turns out in Tiffany's the small numbers, "89" aren't cents, they're dollars, with tax the watch would have cost $1,840.
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This is Feb 9th. '24. Drove by the local high school. The grass was green. It looked more like a summer pic than one in midwinter. The kids wore only their shirts with their coats tied around their wastes. To be honest, global warming seems Ok for now.
OMG! Why am I reading this? Because your entries are so entertaining. I find myself smiling, even laughing at times. And who can't relate to your frustrations? Please don't stop! And watch that back..🥺
Yesterday was haircut day. I have a monthly appointment with Eddy- a stylist. They don't have barbers anymore. Eddy is Asian and has an accent. I've known him for a long, long time, so we get along great. The problem is when Eddy gets gabby, with his accent, I can't understand a word he says. He's yakking away, and he's laughing, so I guess that where the punch line of his story is; so I laugh. Don't have a clue what he said.
Yesterday was haircut day. I have a monthly appointment with Eddy- a stylist. They don't have barbers anymore. Eddy is Asian and has an accent. I've known him for a long, long time, so we get along great. The problem is when Eddy gets gabby, with his accent, I can't understand a word he says. He's yakking away, and he's laughing, so I guess that where the punch line of his story is; so I laugh. Don't have a clue what he said.
I'm sure he thinks you're a great listener!
