'Reckless' US Woman Blamed for Outbreak in Germany

An American resident in Germany could face what authorities say will be a "hefty fine" after being blamed for a wave of coronavirus infections. Authorities say the woman, who works in a hotel resort for American troops stationed in Germany, went on a pub crawl soon after returning from a vacation in Greece, despite showing coronavirus symptoms, the Local reports. Authorities say the woman was tested for COVID-19 on Sept. 8 and was told to stay in quarantine while waiting for the results—but she visited several pubs in the Alpine resort of Garmisch that night.


An American resident in Germany could face what authorities say will be a "hefty fine" after being blamed for a wave of coronavirus infections. Authorities say the woman, who works in a hotel resort for American troops stationed in Germany, went on a pub crawl soon after returning from a vacation in Greece, despite showing coronavirus symptoms, the Local reports. Authorities say the woman was tested for COVID-19 on Sept. 8 and was told to stay in quarantine while waiting for the results—but she visited several pubs in the Alpine resort of Garmisch that night.

There is something conveniently missing from the article:
No mention of her test results. If she tested positive, you can be sure they would have mentioned it - in an attempt to prove she was to blame.
And, "She went on a pub crawl despite showing Coronavirus symptoms?" What symptoms were those? There are hundreds of viruses including Coronavirus that have similar symptoms - cough, sore throat, fever, aches, shortness of breath.
Let's find someone to blame when we don't know squat......when people are scared, they get really stupid & believe anything we say.
There is something conveniently missing from the article:
No mention of her test results. If she tested positive, you can be sure they would have mentioned it - in an attempt to prove she was to blame.
And, "She went on a pub crawl despite showing Coronavirus symptoms?" What symptoms were those? There are hundreds of viruses including Coronavirus that have similar symptoms - cough, sore throat, fever, aches, shortness of breath.
Let's find someone to blame when we don't know squat......when people are scared, they get really stupid & believe anything we say.
According to the original source article, her test came back positive the following day.
According to the original source article, her test came back positive the following day.
That article mentioned a positive test. But I'm still thinking about the test's reliability. You may recall several people who tested positive, then negative, then positive again - like the Governor or Ohio & the actor, Nick Cordero.
I'm all for quarantining....IF there is a good reason. An unreliable test is not a good reason, IMO.
Although there are lots of symptoms of Covid which can be symptoms of other things as well I think it's completely irresponsible and selfish for someone who has just returned from a vacation where Covid is present to go out on a pub crawl. I think it would have been irresponsible and selfish even if she hadn't been on vacation earlier.

It seems to me that until we get Covid under control it's irresponsible and selfish for anyone who has symptoms to go out for anything except for essential activities. And if they do go out for essential activities they should be wearing a mask at all times and make sure they do any activities that don't allow a mask (eating or drinking) well away from other people.
That article mentioned a positive test. But I'm still thinking about the test's reliability. You may recall several people who tested positive, then negative, then positive again - like the Governor or Ohio & the actor, Nick Cordero.
I'm all for quarantining....IF there is a good reason. An unreliable test is not a good reason, IMO.
IMO that is a matter of perspective - whether you consider the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many, or vice versa. In the case of a pandemic, I consider the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. If there is any suspicion that you could be at risk of infecting other people by being out and about then you should stay isolated until test results are known. It is not the time to be having a haircut, let alone going on a bar crawl.
That article mentioned a positive test. But I'm still thinking about the test's reliability. You may recall several people who tested positive, then negative, then positive again - like the Governor or Ohio & the actor, Nick Cordero.
I'm all for quarantining....IF there is a good reason. An unreliable test is not a good reason, IMO.
I think the whole point is that with symptoms suspicious for COVID, even without knowing her test results, she should have quarantined herself.
I have been sick for the past few weeks and my doctor at the VA asked me to get tested for COVID-19. I did and the test came back negative. However, during that entire time, and including now, I have been quarantining myself as much as possible because even though I now know I don't have COVID-19 (or at least didn't when I was tested), I was also aware that whatever I have could be passed on to somebody else and that just might weaken their immune system more than it should be at this time.

I live in a condo of 72 units, and have been either on the board or board president during most of that time (over 30 years). I am constantly having to remind people to consider what impact their actions have on those around them. It never ceases to amaze me how there seems to be little regard for other people in so many folks' actions. Whether we are talking about turning up the TV and disturbing a neighbor, leaving trash where it shouldn't be, leaving a sink to overflow into the unit below, or any number of other possibilities, I simply can't get people to think of anybody but themselves and their own desires.

Simply put, if we are adults acting that way, we should be ashamed of ourselves. Unfortunately, that attitude went out the window with the "new" idea of entitlement. I have even read some posts here, where people are generally kind and thoughtful, hollering about their rights. To that, my response is that if everybody had to serve their country in some manner, and especially if that service took them to some countries where such rights are not a part of the way of life, I would bet that we wouldn't be hearing such nonsense, except among those (hopefully few) who refuse to grow up. Maybe being in the military for a stretch does make people more mature. The fact is that if we are all to get along, we have to do so by working together.

