Screen Shots


How do you do this? I've seen @debodun mention it a few times. Sounds familiar, like I used to do this. If so, obviously I forgot how. I have Windows 7. Thanks.

Where does it go when you've captured it? How do I view it? Thanks, CM. I use Chrome.

I have a clipboard? Where's that, GL? I have also seen to use Windows + PRT SCRN. No that's wrong, I meant ALT
It's 'PRT SCRN' @jujube. It's to the right of your lettered/numbered keys. Mine is top/left button. Look at me helping you! The blind leading the blind, duh.
Tv say 4th graders help their parents out with pc probles-brave new world?
Okay. Was going to get to this sooner, but I kept on forgetting what to do. I finally remembered after being told twice:
When you're at START, which lists all your programs, press & you will see on the bottom a Search bar. Type in Snipping. Something called Snipping Tool will appear. Click it & it will give you simple instructions on copying the page you want saved, which will be saved in Pictures. Sorry I kept you all waiting with baited breath :)

Now I, too, can do Screenshots. The End.

