"The demise of social security"

I'd like to lead this conversation away from Lon now and point out that at least one of the republican candidates for president has explicitly stated that he wants to privatize Social Security. He thinks that would be a good thing for the USA. His friends at the Country Club call him Jebby.

Privatizing Social Security MIGHT have been a workable option 60 years ago, when there were a dozen people paying in for every one drawing out, and the stock market was recovering from the Great Depression. Over that time, the markets have risen by about 2000%, and Social Security would probably have trillions in its trust fund. However, that option is No Longer viable. Now, there are less than 3 workers paying in for every person receiving benefits, and there is No Wiggle Room for the trust fund to take on the risks of the markets. Today, the most sensible solution for the long term viability of SS would probably be to Raise the caps.

I'm probably full of it on this issue, but I have always thought that Social Security, abortions, now the ACA, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights and so many other issues that have now become legal are all issues that politicians use to scare voters at election time because we seldom hear about them at any other time. SS will not go away. How it's funded may need to change. As for privatizing SS, I have heard both sides and it's a tossup as to which would be better, but in the long run it would cost taxpayers billions to set it up and to administrate it, so it's best to just leave it be.
Had Bush been successful in privatizing SS it would have done two things immediately. (1) Given Wall Street Billions to gamble with and (2) his effort came just before the biggest stock crash since the great depression. SS recipients would have been in deep trouble. Threats are one thing, actions another as you know in your former line of work. There have been concerted efforts by republicans for years to whittle away at social programs including (especially) SS and Medicare. I am almost 79 and have a pension and SS if either fail me, I am in the street. Many are in worse shape than me but social security is NOT a luxury, it is what we signed up for and expect.
Had Bush been successful in privatizing SS it would have done two things immediately. (1) Given Wall Street Billions to gamble with and (2) his effort came just before the biggest stock crash since the great depression. SS recipients would have been in deep trouble. Threats are one thing, actions another as you know in your former line of work. There have been concerted efforts by republicans for years to whittle away at social programs including (especially) SS and Medicare. I am almost 79 and have a pension and SS if either fail me, I am in the street. Many are in worse shape than me but social security is NOT a luxury, it is what we signed up for and expect.

Absolutely agree. Privatization is a prescription for disaster. The Robber Barons of Wall Street and banking would suck it dry, one way or the other. Doesn't do you any good to work hard and save and invest all your life if Bernie Madoff or his ilk get their hands on it.
I simply do NOT understand why Republicans think the answer to everything is privatization... When has it every been good for anything except to move money up to the top 1%?? Look at our prison system.. our schools.. phone system and some utilities... Now they want to privatize roads and infrastructure.. and they are fighting tooth and nail to destroy our Postal System and make it private.. imaging paying a few dollars to mail a letter rather than 50 cents? We simply cannot let them get their filthy hands on our Social Security and Medicare..
Hi I'm the guy who started this discussion and all I asked was that you feel SS is an important part of your and your spouses (if applies) future that you write and tell your elected officials that you want this "leg of the stool" propped up, and now, not at the dramatic 11th hour. A simple yes I will support this effort or no I won't was a sufficient answer. Instead the whole conversation turned into sarcastic comments and very little substance. No wonder we can't accomplish anything because we can't take a simple action that would benefit a great many people rather then "me". The internet can be a place to rally or it can be a very "dark" place because people on keyboards aren't looking into each others eyes.
Hi, Jim! Sorry that I missed this thread until now. You opened the door for discussion, and ended with "Tell me what you think". Now, you are not happy with what people think. You get to write your own posts, but not the posts of others. Maybe you need to hold this discussion in front of a mirror. For a newbie, you come across as rather rude.
Hi, Jim! Sorry that I missed this thread until now. You opened the door for discussion, and ended with "Tell me what you think". Now, you are not happy with what people think. You get to write your own posts, but not the posts of others. Maybe you need to hold this discussion in front of a mirror. For a newbie, you come across as rather rude.
I agree about Jims attitude Jim, signed Jim
