What did you try to tell your children was most important?

Grahamg's comments:
Once again are your list of things in any order of importance as you see it?
(Good list again ! ):)

Ecclesiastes 4:12

“And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” I feel that raising children, any time, it is a combination of home, school, and church.

Ellen Marie wrote:

"1) Salvation. 2) Raise your children in the church, it will mold them where you cannot. 3) I am the boss, but when you go to college, you must go away to college to grow up and be away from my domination.

1) Both my children, two inlaws, and seven grandchildren are in church almost every service. Four grandchildren have been baptized, six have a profession of faith.
2) My children and grandchildren have a kindness I could never teach them. And, they are servants, yet leaders. One teaches in private, Christian school, the other is a supervisor where they work. Both set good examples of citizenship, and they work in their local churches, as do their spouses.
3) They went away to college.... and never moved back.... I wish they lived closer, but they live where they want to be and work.

They are good parents.... They teach their children 1) salvation..... 2) Raise your children in the church. 3) I am the boss, but don't move away from me."

Grahamg's comments:
Once again are your list of things in any order of importance as you see it?
(Good list again ! ):)

Ellen Marie wrote:
Ecclesiastes 4:12

“And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

I feel that raising children, any time, it is a combination of home, school, and church.

Grahamg's further comments:
Hard to pick one out then, but the religious quote maybe emphasises the importance in the child's upbringing in your view perhaps :unsure: (?)
Ecclesiastes 4:12

“And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” I feel that raising children, any time, it is a combination of home, school, and church.
So very true! Those seeds are not easily forgotten.

I tried to teach my children to always be honest and show respect. They both in my eyes turned out perfect.
"Like yourself in your mothers eyes", (or my daughter pretty much in my eyes, or even myself in my mothers eyes, in the sense she wouldn't have wanted to change me). :) .
