Your childhood home...

Anyone else have the bragging rights of being raised in a one bathroom home?

Remember the challenges that one bathroom made for?

How about those old laundry chutes, did your home have one?

Did your home have a finished basement, where as a young and growing child you could escape to in order to read a book, watch TV, play a board game, or invite friends over?

Anyone else have to endure sharing your bedroom with a sibling?
We had one bathroom for the 4 of us. Dad always took two hrs in the evening doing his business and reading a book.

I didn't share a bedroom with a sibling. I shared mine with the washer and dryer. And mom couldn't understand why I couldn't sleep. *Arches Brow*

No basement. Had to share tv with brother and he usually got his way. As soon as dad walked in from more tv.

We had one bathroom for the 4 of us. Dad always took two hrs in the evening doing his business and reading a book.

I didn't share a bedroom with a sibling. I shared mine with the washer and dryer. And mom couldn't understand why I couldn't sleep. *Arches Brow*

No basement. Had to share tv with brother and he usually got his way. As soon as dad walked in from more tv.

To this day, Marci, I have absolutely NO idea what used to take my dad so long in the bathroom. It was as if it was his home away from home... his own personal sanctuary. LOL!

The thing that upset me the most was that he ate in his underwear and sometimes stuff didn't stay put so, I never wanted to eat because the view would gross me out. My mom would be's just Cheerios. You've eaten them for years and now you don't like them. I couldn't tell her!
The thing that upset me the most was that he ate in his underwear and sometimes stuff didn't stay put so, I never wanted to eat because the view would gross me out. My mom would be's just Cheerios. You've eaten them for years and now you don't like them. I couldn't tell her!
I'd be the same! OMG! :)
I don't think he even realized and when you're 10 and your dad hasn't had his morning coffee yet, well, not the best time to bring it up. LOL
