Any pot users here? yes or no

99% of the innocent as lambs students in high school who had to watch this gubmint funded joke were pretty much fried already. Personally I wouldn't possess any form of personal knowledge concerning this deadly scourge. The funniest component of these faux docudramas is the viewer comments. Enjoy.

oops I dropped my spliff.
Yep. Totally get that. I've had a lot of trouble with it exacerbating my anxiety disorder. However, the common factor that I noticed recently, and what made me decide to give it another, very thorough try, is that all the strains I'd tried previous were very high or nearly pure CBD. This time I'm going for a more balanced, "whole plant" approach.
I grind the flowers in a coffee grinder to a consistent medium grade. I also grind cbd flowers and mix cbd with thc. I have been using 3 parts cbd to 1 part thc. It has a different affect than just straight thc.
I now recall one pot adventure of my youth, when I was a student. A friend got a bunch, several ounces, maybe half a pound, of stems, seeds and generally unsmokable stuff. We had access to a soxhlet extractor ( in the lab and some reagent grade 100%, not denatured ethanol. We extracted the pot with the alcohol and then made a punch.

Mixed it with some kind of fruit juice and had a party and everyone had a small drink of the stuff, one was all anyone could manage. We all sat quietly for the next few hours into the next day... It took a couple more days for the effects to wear off. Did not touch the stuff for at least 10 years after that night. I don't think you can OD on pot, but I suspect we came close.
I now recall one pot adventure of my youth, when I was a student. A friend got a bunch, several ounces, maybe half a pound, of stems, seeds and generally unsmokable stuff. We had access to a soxhlet extractor ( in the lab and some reagent grade 100%, not denatured ethanol. We extracted the pot with the alcohol and then made a punch.

Mixed it with some kind of fruit juice and had a party and everyone had a small drink of the stuff, one was all anyone could manage. We all sat quietly for the next few hours into the next day... It took a couple more days for the effects to wear off. Did not touch the stuff for at least 10 years after that night. I don't think you can OD on pot, but I suspect we came close.
Anyone find weed residue in the extractor after the party?
Anyone find weed residue in the extractor after the party?
No, we were pretty careful to first clean it well, and then put it into a muffle furnace to burn any residue off. That was before trying the juice... wish we had been as careful with that.

No idea what happened to the undrunk "punch", probably got spilled.
If I smoke weed again @Paco Dennis I know I'll get hooked on cigarettes again. So, I'm stuck with the edibles for my own safety. If I knew I was dying I'd get weed second and cigarettes first. Hope I don't smoke again for a long time!
I vape with medium nicotine. I smoked for about 25 years then quit several times then vaped. It probably is not good for me but I don't want to stop....yet. Edibles are very popular and work great for many. I have specific ailments that even the "terpene" ( not just the cannbinoids ) profiles on different strains makes a difference.