About those pronouns, is there already a thread?

Good lord! Anybody besides me remember when it was shocking to advertise toilet paper? (Charmin, the tissue that babies your skin.) Now we have bears that wipe their butts on TV, women who poop on commercials. What's next? Um...
Have you seen the commercials with the dancing pubic hairs??????? And here I thought the commercial with the bent carrots was bad :rolleyes:
What saddens me the most in reading some of the posts on this thread, is the willingness of certain individuals to vilify those who are not mainstream. No compassion, rather

anger, dismissal, accusations of crazy or attention getting behaviour. I am so weary of going to funerals. Too many of our precious youth are dying, either driven to suicide, or

murdered on the mean streets etc. This is unconscionable. People, we are better than this!
Alas, forever more. Unfortunately, it is just human nature.

Yes I can understand how frustrating that would make your work. But, I will challenge the idea that IT will affect your grandchildren. Sexuality WILL be expressed. It is too powerful an instinct to suppress. It might not be confusing to them at all. Mores change like everything, and yet somehow we keep making new humans. :)
That probably has a lot to do with it- considering everything to be about 'sexuality.'
The first time I read that kind of reference was in a Susan Atkins interview (one of Charles Manson's followers).

I heard back in the olden days it wasn't uncommon for little boys as well as girls to play in their mothers' cosmetics and clothing.. did that mean they 'wanted to be women' or that they were just playing?
I don't know how widespread it is, but schoolbooks are aiming this stuff at kids in grades K-3.. I think they'd be better off if they spent the time learning to read and write.
What saddens me the most in reading some of the posts on this thread, is the willingness of certain individuals to vilify those who are not mainstream. No compassion, rather

anger, dismissal, accusations of crazy or attention getting behaviour. I am so weary of going to funerals. Too many of our precious youth are dying, either driven to suicide, or

murdered on the mean streets etc. This is unconscionable. People, we are better than this!
So very true, Shali

We are ALL precious beings
and should be treated as such
No matter the confusion or issue
@Shalimar I have read there is a high suicide rate among transgender people. But I wonder, is that the only thing happening in their lives. There could be so many other things that contributed to it. And it's tragic. If they thought changing their sex would change everything and it didn't that could be the last thing. And from what I have heard in some of these de-transition videos, that is what they were told in some of these rabbit hole internet places. "if you are unhappy, you are the wrong sex." And that can't be true for many of the people. Especially if they had trauma in childhood. It's going to take a lot to deal with that if ever.

For some people life isn't going to be great and if you can't come to an acceptance of that and take and do the best you can, things can escalate to suicide I'm sure.
@Shalimar I have read there is a high suicide rate among transgender people. But I wonder, is that the only thing happening in their lives. There could be so many other things that contributed to it. And it's tragic. If they thought changing their sex would change everything and it didn't that could be the last thing. And from what I have heard in some of these de-transition videos, that is what they were told in some of these rabbit hole internet places. "if you are unhappy, you are the wrong sex." And that can't be true for many of the people. Especially if they had trauma in childhood. It's going to take a lot to deal with that if ever.

For some people life isn't going to be great and if you can't come to an acceptance of that and take and do the best you can, things can escalate to suicide I'm sure.
I feel your compassion, Remy. You are a kind woman.
So do we now not use he/she and instead use they/them? How can one person be "they" or "them"?
From all the responses it appears this thread is more concerned about the expanded gender definitions than just proper pronoun use.
I have to ask: why the anger? Why the outrage? Is anger and outrage really that much fun? If you're like me, your days here on Earth have gotten noticeably shorter.
Who cares what other people think or identify with? Nobody is forcing anything on you in any way. Every generation is different, do you remember your parents disapproval over some trivial matters, like your choice of music or hairstyle? Just because your parents judged you and were disapproving, that does not mean you have to do the same to the younger folk.
Enjoy your life, let your self have the calm that you deserve.
I have to ask: why the anger? Why the outrage? Is anger and outrage really that much fun?
Really good questions!

I don't get it either, I don't have to understand why, but if someone wants to be called something I'll try, no skin off my back. Don't need to approve or disapprove, just live and let live...
Enjoy your life, let your self have the calm that you deserve.
Really good questions!

I don't get it either, I don't have to understand why, but if someone wants to be called something I'll try, no skin off my back. Don't need to approve or disapprove, just live and let live...

Nathan - "From all the responses it appears this thread is more concerned about the expanded gender definitions than just proper pronoun use."

I agree with both of you. I have to say, I have not had one single soul ask me to call them any of these things. I wonder if anybody that is getting so stirred up about has either. Seems like a way to just stir things up that's not really based on reality.
I have not had one single soul ask me to call them any of these things
I guess I have not either. The one person I know who has undergone a change from a man to a woman I do use the she/her pronouns when speaking of. However she did not ask, and is quite a nice person, not sure she would.

For me its making a mountain out of a very small molehill. For people its important to, I'll try to do what they want.
I do think the fact that this thread has caused a lot of discussion on this topic is a positive thing. Clearly, many are opposed to these preferences in pronouns (and I said earlier I don't understand it either), but perhaps it has made us all think about how the world is changing.

I am a pragmatic person, and the way I look at this is that I need to learn as much as I can about current and future trends because this younger population will be the powering our economy when I am much older (if I make it) and possibly providing care for me. With the world changing at such a fast pace, IMO this is no time to hide our heads in the sand and wish for the olden days. They are not coming back.
I beg to differ. Y'all is plural. It is a contraction, you and all. ;)
I've heard it said (in books I figured were written by Yankees) that y'all is also used as singular pronoun. But in all the years I lived in and visited the South, I never once heard it spoken as anything but plural.

That said, you is both a singular and plural pronoun. Adding all to it, practically speaking, has to make it a plural pronoun.
All I know is that it is hard for me to wrap my head around called a trans woman who is an intact man, who doesn't take hormones, and who still looks and acts like a man, "she" or "they". It's like cognitive dissonance and the grammar police have control of my mind.

It was hard for me to get it straight for the two months a trans woman was our house guest. I got it right about half the time, which I thought was pretty good for me, considering how long I referred to men as "he" and women as "she".

I've never met or spoken with my daughter's former roommate, who is a trans woman. But from the get go I had no problem referring to her as "she" because she has a popular female name, and I've never seen her. Then I found out that at home, she looks like and dresses like a man. Only at work does she wear makeup, a wig, and women's clothing. That would really toss me into cognitive dissonance mode, I think, had I met her in person. As it was, it sent up red flags for me, because my daughter was being verbally abused by an intact male who said she was a woman, and who seemed to have a personality disorder. My daughter was afraid of her, and I am pretty sure that's the first time my daughter has been afraid of anyone. She has skills to defend and protect herself, and hasn't been in a situation like that before.

At any rate, I would hate to be in that situation, in which I felt like a man trapped in a woman's body. I've not had even one moment that I wished I had been a man. I am sure it would be a hard row to hoe.

Meanwhile, I try to be kind and treat everyone the same way. What I don't appreciate from my daughter is being called trans-phobic because I accidentally used the wrong pronoun.
