Everyone have this??

Have a few junk drawers but no longer have a bag filled with plastic bags. I only have a couple of plastic bags now because Scotland passed a new law in October where retailers must charge 5p for each bag.
Some of my plastic bags from grocery stores (5c each) are in a plastic bag but others are just stuffed into a cupboard.... must sort them someday. I use them for garbage because they are more environmentally friendly and way cheaper than the ones you have to buy.

My junk drawer does not exist. At least my junk is nice and organized somewhere.
I don't have a collection of plastic bags , because they were banned in SA some time ago, we use bags we purchased, which I can wash in washing machine ,so they are clean. We are In Western Australia at moment ( about 2700 km from home ) and their supermarkets still have plastic bags ( free) to put your shopping in
I have several junk drawers, and like Jujube, have a special cupboard in the kitchen for my plastic grocery store bags, that I use for small trash cans in the house and doggie dooley bags when needed.
Oh yeah I have the plastic bags too. Yes ndynt you think everyone would. But now they are passing laws every where it seems to get rid of them. California is now I think or they have to pay 10 cents for each one. Well I think they should not make us pay for them, just stop using them....I will keep what I have to pick up dog doo and like a lot of us small garbage.
Yes I have a junk drawer too ..2 of them actually. Ha how funny Falcon that happens to me too sometimes you save things for so long and finally throw it away and bingo ...could have used that! I totally get rid of the junk and then the drawer gets full again. Why do we do that? :dunno:
I think, I'm going to start taking some of my bags back to the market to reused them, but, I also use them to line my waste baskets, but, I too keep coming across bags inside of bags to the point, I used one of the bags to collect some under garments out of the washer one day and when I realized, I couldn't find any of those undies, I concluded, I grabbed it along with the other bags I set aside to toss and they were long gone. I wasn't a happy person, had to replace a lot of my favorite hard to get garments from that time. :mad: I try to be more careful, not the first or last time I'm sure, but, I do need to get rid of some bags for sure.
How about the giant collection of ballpoint pens that don't work? I have some sort of mental condition that forces me to try a pen and upon finding out it doesn't work, not throwing it out but putting it back in the drawer. Periodically, I have to go on a search-and-destroy mission to get rid of the pens. I'm pretty sure it has to be some trauma I suffered in childhood.....at least that's what I'm going to say in my best-selling memoir if I ever get around to writing it. I'll blame it on my mother....that's always good for sales. I'm going to title it, "You Say Procrastination Like It's a Bad Thing".
Oh my Jujube, ditto to pens and all.

Thinking on this, I know just what I want to do with that lottery money, I haven't played in years now, but I do have a few non-winner scratch offs sitting around, I need to dispose of from months ago. :)
Have a few junk drawers but no longer have a bag filled with plastic bags. I only have a couple of plastic bags now because Scotland passed a new law in October where retailers must charge 5p for each bag.

Dallas proper just passed the same law with a 5 cent charge for bags..

Sam's stores (owned by wal-mart) goes not issue bags on check-out.(most items are bulk)

Wal-mart stores have a re-cycle bin at the entrance of their stores to return bags.
