I will never understand how planets hang in the air

It's a great question really. Off the top of my head without google and can only say...gravity and the will of God.
But gravity alone doesn't fully explain everything. Jupiter has a moon that is the most like earth but why...it's farther away from the us and farther away from the sun than some other planets like Mars. Go figure?
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It's a great question really. Off the top of my head without google and can only say...gravity and the will of God.
But gravity alone doesn't fully explain everything...like why they circle around in a pattern with different atmospheres. Jupiter is suppose to be the most like earth but why...it's farther away from the us and farther away from the sun than some other planets like Mars. Go figure?
Another question that stumps me - If Jupiter is predominantly gas, why does it weigh 1900 Trillion Trillion kilograms.
Star Stuff stumps me.
The same question can be posed concerning positive and negative electric forces or between magnet poles. How does something we sense with our eyes as being empty space even if a vacuum cause other stuff at a distance to attract or repel and other stuff to not interact at all? Tersely...

All 3-dimensional space in our universe and highly likely beyond to infinities, is permeated by a mix of energy fields. Fermion matter is actually a form of dense structured energy as a result of forces of such fields. That is why when antiparticles of matter collide the result is not a mix of smaller broken up matter but rather pure high energy photon bosons without mass. Science doesn't know what the smallest dimensions of such stuff is but there are hypotheses. For example string theory at Planck level dimensions.

One might imagine stuff at a gravity level as being like a blob of some vast mix of elastic glues that is spread out unevenly, so naturally has an attraction as it is spread. Something inherent in possibly all stuff because even photons are bent at least minimally as warped spacetime by gravity as indicated by gravity lensing effects around distant galaxies. Other elements of stuff like electromagnetic elements of the glue attract, while their opposites from some apparent structure repel. Other stuff without electromagnetic force like gravity or the Higg's field interact differently.

What we sense as solid stuff is actually mostly empty space. That is why our whole planet's stuff if compressed down to black hole dimensions would be just 17.5 millimeters in diameter. That is why a tiny neutrino from the sun can easily pass right through our whole planet without hitting anything or being deflected because there is so little at Planck dimensions for such a particle to hit or interact directly with.
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I find it peaceful thinking about the planets hanging in the air. We are all here in this moment of time, in this moment of space, such a big universe, with such a fragile existence. United we stand, divided we fall. Looking to the future within the passage of time, reality changes. Why do we worry so much about our existence. Maybe we should be content within the present of the moment that we exist within. Yay I say the planets hanging in the air like marbles spinning around in circles of whom the day will be the marbles when they collide and for what is naught. It is the here and now for what we exist. Let us have peace, let us exist, let us get along, for another day to be.
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