Anyone watch Unexplained? What are your thoughts on Paranormal?

I wonder why it is when someone shares an experience that freaked them out, inevitably someone will start taking a stand on whether they believe or not. The person who has had the crap scared out of them isn't particularly interested in someone else's belief system at that moment. I know it because I am going through it right now and have never felt so alone.

I wonder why it is when someone shares an experience that freaked them out, inevitably someone will start taking a stand on whether they believe or not. The person who has had the crap scared out of them isn't particularly interested in someone else's belief system at that moment. I know it because I am going through it right now and have never felt so alone.
I am so sorry to hear that. If you're not up to sharing because of the folks who never consider the feelings of people who having such experiences just want to sieze the opportunity to make pronouncements about what they don't believe, pm me. Might nit answer immediately but will get back to you within a day or so.

I've had a wide variety of so called paranormal experiences, (my personal take is that they are natural, science just doesn't no how they work yet. Have also read widely on the topic. Once talked down someone who didn't sleep for three nights after seeing The Exorcist. Used my knowledge of his belief system (Catholic) to help get a grip on his fears and feelings.

Huge virtualhugs in meantime.
I wonder why it is when someone shares an experience that freaked them out, inevitably someone will start taking a stand on whether they believe or not. The person who has had the crap scared out of them isn't particularly interested in someone else's belief system at that moment. I know it because I am going through it right now and have never felt so alone.
Please share. 🙏

Maybe not entirely on topic, but I knew a fellow sailor, a US Navy Ensign, who claimed to have seen, as a teen ager, two flying saucers. Not long after dark he was on a foot bridge over a creek outside a small Midwest town, sorry but l don’t recall where. He was throwing cherry bombs off the bridge when a classic flying saucer appeared overhead. It hovered for a few minutes until a second saucer arrived and joined the first in hovering. Then they flew off together and disappeared. True story? I don‘t know, but he seemed to believe it was, and didn’t appear to be a whacko.
Maybe not entirely on topic, but I knew a fellow sailor, a US Navy Ensign, who claimed to have seen, as a teen ager, two flying saucers. Not long after dark he was on a foot bridge over a creek outside a small Midwest town, sorry but l don’t recall where. He was throwing cherry bombs off the bridge when a classic flying saucer appeared overhead. It hovered for a few minutes until a second saucer arrived and joined the first in hovering. Then they flew off together and disappeared. True story? I don‘t know, but he seemed to believe it was, and didn’t appear to be a whacko.
My 2nd step father, who had been a bomber pilot in WWII and a test pilot after and i once talked about seeing them over the Gulf when i visited them on Sanibel Island. It was the only thing we ever agreed about and the most civil conversation we ever had, even tho i told him i didn't feel i knew enough (at that time) about airspeeds and maneuverability to make a judgement about what we'd just seen but did consider the possibility of UFO. His reply: "Well, I do! And that was one!"
It's hard to know. But watching those shows like Paranormal Caught On Camera, I have to wonder how much of that is faked. There was a video on YouTube where they were debunking some of the videos. For example, the only locker that was moving was in front of a window, so someone could have been behind the locker. Or the things flying off the counter were only going in one direction off sight of the camera.

I think a lot of those shadows are faked. And there are people with real good computer skills who can fake things.

See, cats can fly in space ships.

Making of.
It's hard to know. But watching those shows like Paranormal Caught On Camera, I have to wonder how much of that is faked. There was a video on YouTube where they were debunking some of the videos. For example, the only locker that was moving was in front of a window, so someone could have been behind the locker. Or the things flying off the counter were only going in one direction off sight of the camera.

I think a lot of those shadows are faked. And there are people with real good computer skills who can fake things.

My daughter and i sometimes watch those YouTube videos purporting, despite or perhaps BECAUSE we ave personal experience with such things we generally have a good laugh debunking them. Maybe 1 in 10 incidents do we feel MIGHT be legit. Tho we understand how some might be puzzled or think they are all for real.
My daughter and i sometimes watch those YouTube videos purporting, despite or perhaps BECAUSE we ave personal experience with such things we generally have a good laugh debunking them. Maybe 1 in 10 incidents do we feel MIGHT be legit. Tho we understand how some might be puzzled or think they are all for real.
I can't believe some of the commentators on those shows have the nerve to state how they think it's legit. I mean I don't know, but the more I watch them, the more I think they are mostly bogus.

I sometimes wonder also, in places where mass people died, why there are not more reports of hauntings. I guess they say some places are.
I lived in a 200 year old house that was haunted for 2 years. Later when we sold it the owners had some of the same experiences as did the people before us.
Our house was built in the 1850's. We have at least two actual spirits (which can interact/react to words/behaviors of humans) and at least one 'residual haunt' (these are not able to interact--they more like some impression on the environment that replays the same behaviors and words over and over). They've never been a problem for us, disconcerting a couple of times. The older dog, Shotzi, that moved here with us sensed the first one we noticed, Cowboy we call him, walking up to our door in the evening my daughter and i were talking near a front window and both saw him. i went to door, letting dog out and thinking it was one of the work crew dismantling a dilapidated garage.

No one was there. Poor Shotzi ran from side to side as if searching, he was so confused. As was i, i actually walked to side of house and asked workmen if one of them had just come up to front of house. When i adopted a pittie mix pup, Cowboy would play with him--you could tell by Jinks' body language--it was identical to when one of us played with him. And that's key just as i don't trust living beings my dogs/cats dislike i trust their judgement on spirits.

Another spirit is Mrs. H, matriarch of a family that lived her for several decades. She's never spoken to me but i felt her walking with me the first day i explored my property i kept looking about expecting to see some one had come onto the property (to collect sage) as it had been empty a while. And when the fall came i was baking and making stews i often felt her watching me the same way my first MIL had to see if how similar or different i did some things. My local house insurance agent grew up on this road and knew Mrs. H, from her i learned that she often walked the land, as i do, In her final years she dressed in Black and parents would tell kids she was a Bruja (witch) so they wouldn't walk past this point, as a busy highway a bit further down.

However the interim residents, bailed on the house abruptly leaving a lot of furniture and signs they felt threatened by the spirits (candles, rosaries--especially in guest bedroom which overlooks the long driveway and from which you can see the small family graveyard that was not included in the sale (tho i've only seen legit visitors to it 1 time in 10 years--if i ever see them again i might ask if they'd mind if i cleaned it up now then--teens will come and sit in at night sometimes and leave litter as people do along the road. (Really aggravates when it's Continental Divide Trail hikers--Yeah you love nature so much then leave trash along local roads.)

It's not the first haunted house i've lived in, have mentioned on other threads.
I can't believe some of the commentators on those shows have the nerve to state how they think it's legit. I mean I don't know, but the more I watch them, the more I think they are mostly bogus.
What we get a kick out of is some of the things they think 'creepy'--legit or not. And as i said we only rarely see an incident we give the benefit of doubt--that maybe it's legit. (1 in 10 at most, often none in a video of 5-10 incidents). But i like to remind people that just because something can faked doesn't mean it always is. We all know that except for rare accidents on set Actors are not really shot, bleeding when their character is, but nobody doubts that real gun death occur daily. You have to use some common sense.
I sometimes wonder also, in places where mass people died, why there are not more reports of hauntings. I guess they say some places are.
1) Some of them do have lots of reports, tho suspect incidents in places like battlefields are actually under-reported for two reasons: A) Witness doesn't want to feel foolish or be ridiculed and B) With all the 're-enactor' events some spirits might get mistaken for those 'playing' at it.
2) Being aware of other consciousness' and their feelings (living or dead) is one of those things we all have but to different degrees. i'm fairly empathic, i can't walk into a nursing home or hospital without putting 'shields up' much less could i say visit a battlefield of any kind or Nazi death camp. i've sensed and seen things before i knew where i was. (In terms of some historical event) i kind of like those times--because they are evidential for me--don't care what others think--because i'm a pragmatic person despite my spirituality it took repeated such incidents to shape my beliefs about them.
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Our house was built in the 1850's. We have at least two actual spirits (which can interact/react to words/behaviors of humans) and at least one 'residual haunt' (these are not able to interact--they more like some impression on the environment that replays the same behaviors and words over and over). They've never been a problem for us, disconcerting a couple of times. The older dog, Shotzi, that moved here with us sensed the first one we noticed, Cowboy we call him, walking up to our door in the evening my daughter and i were talking near a front window and both saw him. i went to door, letting dog out and thinking it was one of the work crew dismantling a dilapidated garage.

No one was there. Poor Shotzi ran from side to side as if searching, he was so confused. As was i, i actually walked to side of house and asked workmen if one of them had just come up to front of house. When i adopted a pittie mix pup, Cowboy would play with him--you could tell by Jinks' body language--it was identical to when one of us played with him. And that's key just as i don't trust living beings my dogs/cats dislike i trust their judgement on spirits.

Another spirit is Mrs. H, matriarch of a family that lived her for several decades. She's never spoken to me but i felt her walking with me the first day i explored my property i kept looking about expecting to see some one had come onto the property (to collect sage) as it had been empty a while. And when the fall came i was baking and making stews i often felt her watching me the same way my first MIL had to see if how similar or different i did some things. My local house insurance agent grew up on this road and knew Mrs. H, from her i learned that she often walked the land, as i do, In her final years she dressed in Black and parents would tell kids she was a Bruja (witch) so they wouldn't walk past this point, as a busy highway a bit further down.

However the interim residents, bailed on the house abruptly leaving a lot of furniture and signs they felt threatened by the spirits (candles, rosaries--especially in guest bedroom which overlooks the long driveway and from which you can see the small family graveyard that was not included in the sale (tho i've only seen legit visitors to it 1 time in 10 years--if i ever see them again i might ask if they'd mind if i cleaned it up now then--teens will come and sit in at night sometimes and leave litter as people do along the road. (Really aggravates when it's Continental Divide Trail hikers--Yeah you love nature so much then leave trash along local roads.)

It's not the first haunted house i've lived in, have mentioned on other threads.
I have read your other stories and found them intriguing! The ability to sense things like this runs in my family; sometimes I have regretted that very much!;)
I have read your other stories and found them intriguing! The ability to sense things like this runs in my family; sometimes I have regretted that very much!;)
i fought it along time. Both my parents were somewhat prescient. Dad had the Irish/Welsh heritage but Mama (Hungarian) was 'fey' too. By the time the internet came along after many years of meditation and learning i could control how much i felt--and could 'deal' with spirits, residual haunts and 'entities' well--i finally excepted it--ever since then anywhere i use a screen name 'fey' is a part of it.
No have not watched whatever show that was. Generally as a science oriented person am skeptical about any paranormal claims. Also why I've never been interested in watching horror, fantasy, and superhero science fiction films. My internal logical sense immediately places such in the same realm as cartoons. However if one is religious as I am, then one may seek possible explanations because all our major religions include dogma that include paranormals. So persons that are religious will be in logical conflict by believing in various religious dogma while on the other hand dismissing paranormals.

With Christianity, we have some clues of what some of this might be by reinterpreting the Bible. I do not believe physical phenomenon are possible without forces. Thus reject magic. That conflicts directly with the dominant dogma developed by philosophers during Middle Ages that God is omniscient (infinite knowledge), omnipotent (unlimited power), omnipresent (present everywhere). If such were true, God could do anything by mere thought that is rare in the Bible and when that does seem to possibly be the case, one can easily attribute such passages to simply being brief without detailed explanations. Otherwise God of the Bible causes results by physical means usually employing others, especially angels.

Instead I see God and his race of angels as ancient Ultimate Intelligent Entities, UIE's, with limited powers, likely at least mostly non-organic that may have been organic billions to trillions of years before that just like we Earth monkeys with AI science are rapidly moving towards with the creation of singularity artificial intelligence. Once such entities existed and were able to expand beyond their own planets, own galaxies, they would essentially become immortal if not physically destroyed and dominate intelligent entities within their realm of 3-dimensional space forever forward.

The nature of matter and forces in our incredibly finely tuned universe for organic life is a great science mystery that points towards an intelligent design. The anthropic principal and a bizarre multiverse is the only explanation of top scientists. Some top physicists have recently suggested our universe is a lab creation of advanced beings. One especially critical facet of fine tuning are the incredible and unlikely properties of H2O water.

Ok, so what about souls, spirits, the Holy Ghost...? If such religious entities are possible so would non-religious. Here is some speculation.

Exodus 40:34-38 [relates God's presence above the Tabernacle:]
Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle ... And throughout all their journeys whenever the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the sons of Israel would set out; but if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not set out until the day when it was taken up ... the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and there was fire in it by night...

The above relates God’s nature as or within a cloud matrix. The Tabernacle was a tented structure 45 feet long and 15 feet deep that gives some dimension to what enclosed the cloud of God. A cloud nature if water does interestingly align with possible mysterious ideas of spirit nature.

One thing that Jesus talks about in verses with the Samaritan woman is special water that he gives where one will never again be thirsty. That may indeed be something about the physical nature of a spirit container. After all water is the major base component of our nervous system. Water is a simple very small yet incredible molecule with unusual properties in sum unlike any other elemental molecules. One most important facet is bipolar polarization, due to its electron fields, that allows it to dissolve many other chemicals by opening bonds between atoms in molecules and creates force fields between its molecules. Another is the fact frozen water floats instead of sinking like almost every other element. Yet another is it is abundant in the universe. Water with bound container impedances that mimic our organic nervous system elements may be able to be contained within an intricate surrounding structure that allows it to form a container for consciousness electromotive force. And water in a gaseous form will be a cloud. Some of the most compelling verses in the Bible that point to real science that the great book otherwise greatly avoids. This consistent pointing to water tends is undeniable.

Jhn 3:4>7
Nicodemus *said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?”
Jhn 3:5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
Jhn 4:13>14 Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”

That indicates a special water molecule possibly with complementing matter different from what we humans are aware of. And then another passage where Jesus emphatically relates how water plus spirit holds a special key to eternal life. Although John the Baptist began the ritual of baptism of dunking believers in the Jordan River, there seems to be more than this symbolic ritual holds. Also these 2 passages:

Jhn 3:4>7 Nicodemus *said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?” 3:5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 3:6 “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 3:7 “Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ 3:8 “The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Rev 21:6 Then He said to me, “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost.
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I wonder why it is when someone shares an experience that freaked them out, inevitably someone will start taking a stand on whether they believe or not. The person who has had the crap scared out of them isn't particularly interested in someone else's belief system at that moment. I know it because I am going through it right now and have never felt so alone.

I agree here .... and I'll add . My opinion, on your experience is not needed or important . If you saw/felt/experienced 'something' ? I would never refute that in any way. Personally, I do not believe in all that sort of thing but .... doesn't mean it's not there.

All I'm sure of is .... I hope I never find out I am definately wrong.
My only experience with the paranormal involved my cat that died. She always slept in the crook of my knees in bed. A couple nights after she died I had just gone to bed (and was still awake) and suddenly felt cat steps crossing my leg and something settling behind my knees. I kind of freaked and froze, not moving a muscle. I could feel the pressure of "the something" behind my knees for quite awhile until I fell asleep. It never happened again.
My only experience with the paranormal involved my cat that died. She always slept in the crook of my knees in bed. A couple nights after she died I had just gone to bed (and was still awake) and suddenly felt cat steps crossing my leg and something settling behind my knees. I kind of freaked and froze, not moving a muscle. I could feel the pressure of "the something" behind my knees for quite awhile until I fell asleep. It never happened again.
I had a similar experience right after our dog died. He used to jump up on the bed and lay (like your cat) behind my knees. I always wished for it to happen again.
