Are there ANGELS?

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Everyone must have had experiences which might have adversely changed the path of their life if it not had been for the help from......HEAVEN?

There are absolutely angels. I've been saved three times in my life when I was in great danger. I attribute each one to my guardian angel.
The last was my bicycle accident in August. I've already written about it on here.
I missed a concrete buffer by ONE foot. (an image flashed in my mind, while unconscious, that I HAD to miss it, so I must have)
I was out for an hour. I don't know who reported me lying in the bushes, or how I got to the ER, but I'm thankful.
(the other 2 incidents are just as profound, but too much detail would be needed to relate them). My daughter tells me she has seen an angel in her bedroom
She can describe it. Very tall (about 8 ft) white, neither male nor female, but a very "inviting" being that was full of love.
I haven't "seen" any physical appearance of an angel but I believe I have received the blessing of their intervention from time to time. Sometimes I will be doing something and on accident I will do it in an uncustomary way...or I will accidently make a mistake in some process and notice the mistake after-the-fact and discover that the mistake actually brought about a quite improved result - it feels like an intervention, like something (outside of my own consciousness) has "helped" me. It's sort of AWESOME, hope it happens to you sometime.
I haven't had any experiences or feelings of angels or spirits but I keep an open mind and hope to have contact with a departed loved one someday, so far nothing, not a believer yet
Of late I have been taking the "Agnostic" attitude on such matters. Until proven to be, I cannot believe, but on the other hand, until proven not to be, keep an open mind.
In Catholic theology/philosophy from St. Thomas, angels exist in Heaven and they do not travel to earth
to visit. This is movie lore like It's A Wonderful Life. I don't know of any serious religion that claims that
angels travel to earth and visit people. Do you?
Thought you'd like to know.
Yes, in the Bible New Testament it says “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Hmmm.
And in the Old Testament Abram and Sarai were visited by an angel with good news for them from God. In this context an angel is a messenger from God but otherwise indistinguishable from an ordinary person. Somehow they convey an important message that brings hope; hope that changes lives. Angels are heralds bearing personal messages and require no mediums to assist them.
I have experienced the spiritual presents of guardian angels. If they did not exist I surely would be dead, of course I did a lot of things that could get you killed, not on purpose just stuff that happens in life. I never have been aware of a physical presence, always a spiritual experience when I mentally was aware of possible death and made a frantic mental request for help, just glad that someone is watching over me.
When I was about six or seven I lived in a small apartment building with steps on the outside and an inside hallway with a staircase that had a door at at the bottom which was just about always open.

One day I was walking down that inside staircase and tripped and fell about half way down. I was pretty shaken up at the bottom when a dog came inside from the open door and came up to me and I hugged that sweet dog and when I felt better I let him go and he walked away. I had never seen that dog before and never since although I spent a lot of time in that neighborhood. No one will ever convince me that that dog was not an angel with fur. It was such an emotional event that I'll never forget it.
Alongside archangel Michael, Gabriel is described as the guardian angel of Israel, defending this people against the angels of the other nations. The Gospel of Luke relates the stories of the Annunciation , in which the angel Gabriel appears to Zechariah and the Virgin Mary , foretelling the births of John the Baptist and Jesus ...


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