Bakers Dozen

Things to wear on your feet:

1. Sandals
2. Slippers
3. Socks
4. Crocs
5. Boots
6. Skis
7. Toe ring
8. Skates
9. High heels
10. shoes
11. Clogs
12. Flip flops
13.Toe nail polish

13 Things you carry (have) inside your car..
1. Map
13 Things you carry (have) inside your car..

1. Map
2. Face Masks
3. CD's
4. Paper Towels
5. A car fire extinguisher
6. Blanket
7. Hand sanitizer
8. Tool box
13 Things you carry (have) inside your car..

1. Map
2. Face Masks
3. CD's
4. Paper Towels
5. A car fire extinguisher
6. Blanket
7. Hand sanitizer
8. Tool box
9. Phone charger
10. Umbrella
13 Things you carry (have) inside your car..

1. Map
2. Face Masks
3. CD's
4. Paper Towels
5. A car fire extinguisher
6. Blanket
7. Hand sanitizer
8. Tool box
9. Phone charger
10. Umbrella
11. Reusable shopping bags
13 Things you carry (have) inside your car..

1. Map
2. Face Masks
3. CD's
4. Paper Towels
5. A car fire extinguisher
6. Blanket
7. Hand sanitizer
8. Tool box
9. Phone charger
10. Umbrella
11. Reusable shopping bags
12. Driving Glasses
13 Things you carry (have) inside your car..

1. Map
2. Face Masks
3. CD's
4. Paper Towels
5. A car fire extinguisher
6. Blanket
7. Hand sanitizer
8. Tool box
9. Phone charger
10. Umbrella
11. Reusable shopping bags
12. Driving Glasses
13. Car user's manual
You've won the lottery, and are dividing up the money for different uses. You're donating part of it to one or more good causes. What would you do with the rest of it?

1. Travel, as soon as it's safe.
You've won the lottery, and are dividing up the money for different uses. You're donating part of it to one or more good causes. What would you do with the rest of it?

1. Travel, as soon as it's safe.
2. Buy a new house all on one floor
You've won the lottery, and are dividing up the money for different uses. You're donating part of it to one or more good causes. What would you do with the rest of it?

1. Travel, as soon as it's safe.
2. Buy a new house all on one floor
3. Put an inground swimming pool
You've won the lottery, and are dividing up the money for different uses. You're donating part of it to one or more good causes. What would you do with the rest of it?

1. Travel, as soon as it's safe.
2. Buy a new house all on one floor
3. Put an inground swimming pool
4. Move to a slightly larger apartment, with a gorgeous view
1. Travel, as soon as it's safe.
2. Buy a new house all on one floor
3. Put an inground swimming pool
4. Move to a slightly larger apartment, with a gorgeous view
5. New home
