Could You Live In This Tiny 150 Square Foot House?


Endlessly Groovin'
I could if I had to, but I wouldn't want to, would you? :p

Can you imagine living in a house that’s less than 150 square feet? Neither could we, until we spoke with Gabriel Williams, one half of the Santa Cruz, California company [FONT=NotoNashkArabic, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Roboto, Arial, sans-serif]Molecule Tiny Homes[/FONT] to learn all about the lifestyle of “living small.” Williams left his former career of professional ballet dancing to join his builder brother-in-law Jason Dietz, and the pair have been designing and building small homes for about a year.

Each tiny house is custom-built, energy-efficient and is made with as many low-VOC and non-toxic materials as possible, making this a particularly interesting (and very small) house tour.

Surprisingly, Williams reports that for a lot of people, once inside, the homes feel bigger than they anticipate. “Most people want the big house as a status symbol, but when they’re bombarded with the mortgage and all the other stuff that comes with it, it’s often daunting.”

On the other hand, a “living small” lifestyle is pared-down and based on only what you actually need, with less impact on the environment. This way, Williams mentions, you have less to take care of and more time to do the other things you want to do. “That’s why people go on vacation, isn’t it?”

That would meet all but one of my housing needs - the ability to spontaneously break into flash-dance sessions. I'd probably go through the wall in that thing.

Plus it might put a serious cramp into my Frisbee Golf practice ...
Every time I see one of these tiny house stories, I start eye-balling my backyard tool shed as my future home ..:p .. it even has a large window.

Would sure simplify life .... my only requirement would be a full-size bathtub.
I'm a little bit obsessed with these tiny houses. I've watched a lot of youtube videos on them. I think though to be practical, I'd need at least 350 plus square feet. This size would not be fair to my indoor cats and I'm not going up and down a ladder to use the bathroom! The idea of simplicity and less is a good thing. But this can't be for everyone and people need a place to put the tiny house.
The inside pictures make it look very nice and I could live in one if I had to.
Better than being homeless but I wonder how well they are insulated for the cold
temperatures in some parts of the country.
More pics of some tiny houses...

The other day I once I watched the first one, I went on youtube and started watching more and more, could barely stop it was so interesting. I was looking more so for single level ones, because I if I were to have one, I don't want to climb steps; there was this one guy that had a single level because he didn't care for the loft kind and then nonchalantly mentioned mainly because he likes to drink. was pretty funny he threw that in. I'll go see if I can find it and come back and post it.
I'm in love with the Tiny House Movement. I even have my own design all figured out. Main level is a pull-out bed (with living room on top), using the loft as attic storage. I'd go with the 20ft trailer to maximize space. I'm just terrified somebody would steal it, while I'm at work!
400 sq ft Park Model homes are also pretty awesome!

I like the frugality of Tiny Homes on wheels. Barely any utilities needed to heat/cool yr round. Many can heat/cool (in wintry snow country) for about $100/yr! No Real Estate taxes. Maintenance repairs bare minimum. My personal design even includes a 'Little Cod' marine wood burner. I could heat that place with sticks! LOL
It would be interesting to see the statistics on how many people move back into normal-sized houses within the first year (or sooner...). I think the *allure* is strong, but I have to wonder how it would work out in practicality. We have something like 425 sq. ft. in our RV with the slides open and after four or five months, I'm ready to move back into our "huge" 1100 sq.ft. least it "feels" huge when we move back in. That wears off in a week or so and it's back to "THIS HOUSE IS TOO SMALL!"
I`ve seen them with more like 450 sq. feet-that I might be able to manage,IF it were in a place where you could "live" outdoors as well. I just never see how much,if any,closet space they have....
I don't think I would like living in one of those tiny houses, though I'd like to live in a home smaller than the one I have now.

There is so little storage space, for one thing, and so little closet space; it's not like I have a huge wardrobe, but I DO have more than two pairs of pants and three tops.

The kitchens all seem very small, with tiny cooktops and ovens and refrigerators, and with, again, so little storage space. Where would I keep my pots and pans, my slow cooker, my bread machine and my little grill? I use those things all the time. Plus, I don't see a dishwasher in any of them -- a dishwasher is one of my necessities of life! Really!

And the loft thing for sleeping? No. With my arthritis in most joints, climbing a ladder is not the easiest thing for me. What if you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night? Down a ladder in the dark? Just no.
