I want to lose 20kg

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Hello friends. I'm here for the first time.
Over the past 4 years I have gained about 20 kg. I want to get my body in order.
Hey James... welcome to the forum. 20 kg... okay, so that's 44-45 pounds. What are you thinking
your plan of action will be? Any solid strategy on how you're going to tackle it?
I lost 50 lbs on the ELF diet. Just Eat Less Food. It's all about mental discipline. You won't loose weight unless you're feel hungry most of the time. ELF also trains you in the kitchen, gets you ready for your future body's new normal.

Go onto the Carnivore diet.. seriously.!! Try one month on the Carnivore diet...look it up.... and you will see a significant weight loss...
These all-meat and fat, no fruit... no veggies diets truly scare me. Do you have experience with
this one, Holly? If so, doesn't it mess with cholesterol levels and heart health? It's why I wouldn't
do keto after trying for a short time. I was successful years ago with what @JeeperDon mentioned.... ELF.
My advice is don’t be in too big a rush. Figure out how many calories you need to eat each day in order to lose 2 pounds per week. Then figure out what can eat that will satisfy you and when to eat it. Stick to it and you’ll get there. The weight didn’t go on over night and it won’t come all at once either.

If you try to lose it faster your body will go into starvation mode and hang on to every calorie it can. Plus you’ll feel so deprived you’ll feel like you deserve a reward - but food must no longer be allowed to count as a reward. No more recreational eating. You want to achieve your target weight at a pa e you can sustain and fundamentally change the way you think about eating. Good luck.

For me at 6 foot and 235 pounds to begin with I needed to get down to just over 1900 calories per day. I took about a year and a half to do it. What worked for me was to eat my largest meal in the morning: oatmeal with fruit and nuts. Then a cashew butter and honey and a small banana sandwich on thin sliced bread for lunch and something light for dinner.

I counted and recorded calories of everything I ate, the worst part of it. But the weight loss was steady. I started dieting as a new year’s resolution by enrolling in my health plan’s Healthy Eating class, meeting weekly with a dietitian and class of people in the same boat. Every class began with a weigh which didn’t have to be public but for me it was something I didn’t hide. Most of my classmates were women and the couple other guys who started the class didn’t finish. Don’t be like that.

The truth is losing weight is wickedly harder for women. Where I could lose 2 lbs/week on 1900 calories those poor ladies would have to make do with about 1200 calories. So unfair! I lost just over 20 pounds during that 10 week course. Then I signed up for another twice more. But the format changed to 6 weeks per class. I found the structure of the class helpful even after I knew the course material. Between classes I lost more slowly but kept going in the right direction.

My mantra was “I want to be light on my feet again”. Had to get new cloths too but that was a happy day. It’s been more than six years now and I didn’t maintain my lowest low but I haven’t gotten above 190 either.
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These all-meat and fat, no fruit... no veggies diets truly scare me. Do you have experience with
this one, Holly? If so, doesn't it mess with cholesterol levels and heart health? It's why I wouldn't
do keto after trying for a short time. I was successful years ago with what @JeeperDon mentioned.... ELF.
No personal experience .. but loads of anecdotal and scientific evidence..

Lots of Doctors on youtube promoting it too..
Hi, James. Welcome to the forum.

When dieting I found that there's a marvelous new way to do it. Sulfa drugs..."sulfa" denial ;).

Seriously, keep in mind slow and steady gets the job done.
I think both sides need to be researched before any fad/restrictive diet is started... just a quick search gave the opposite views (all doctors and a nutritionist) Second one is from Mayo Clinic and last one from Australia.

Hello James,

From Oct 2014 to Jun of 2015 I lost 125 pounds. I've kept it off. Nothing succeeds like success.

If you're interested we can talk about my specific anecdotal story. What my situation was/ is may not fit with your life.

I have a few rhetorical questions. Why did you start putting on the weight? Dietary restrictions? Start with the pandemic and fell into a less active lifestyle and eating different foods? On medication or have some other health problem? Quit smoking? What do you eat now? What food do you like? You cook or have someone that does? And finally what is your motivation?

If you are otherwise in good health I suggest making some substitutions and see how that works. You can eat what you do now with minor modifications. Long term it does come down changes that you can stick with. If you like vegetables eat more of them and less of the fattening foods. Change dessert to, that sort of thing.

If losing weight loss is you only concern, lots of different diets can work.

A lot of youtube stuff might be applicable to you, but most of what I've seen they're selling something or trying to build up a large enough audience to make money-- take anecdotes with a squirt of lemon juice...(it's been said it's better for you than salt).

All the best to you.
Welcome to the forum, James. I can relate, as I've struggled with weight issues for most of my adult life. All the best in finding a workable plan.

Go onto the Carnivore diet.. seriously.!! Try one month on the Carnivore diet...look it up.... and you will see a significant weight loss...

It's pretty much the same diet as the Atkins diet was in the very begining when it was called the Zero Carbohydrate Diet. After that he started to allow 20 net carbs at the start. I had some pretty decent sucess with the low carb version about 20 years ago. But I found it to be really tough getting through those first days of going through carb withdrawal.

About 4 years ago I dropped from 215 to 190 which was what I weighed in my late teens and early 20's by counting calories . But then over the last 4 years I ballooned out to 205 by the first of February of this year. Since then I've managed to get back down to 200 by counting calories but it's been slow going and I seem to be stuck at 200 now. I do like to eat meat so maybe I'll give this Carnivore thing a try.
No personal experience .. but loads of anecdotal and scientific evidence..

Lots of Doctors on youtube promoting it too..
I think the name...carnivore.....kills it for some. For short term weight loss the carnivore diet can work. You can live without carbs but you can't live without protein and certain fats.
Most take vitamins with carnivore.
Again, short term while you are relearning to eat he right carbs and fats as a healthy lifestyle.
Four years ago during Covid I realized old, fat people with preexisting conditions were dying so I started counting calories and lost 50lbs. I have always walked 2/3 miles a day. You need to change your habits to something that you can sustain forever. A easy way to cut calories is to only drink water most of the time. I do drink a few cups of coffee with milk.

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