If You Had Only $20 Left ...


R.I.P. With Us In Spirit Only
... and you were never going to have any money again ... what would you buy with it?


(For our UK brethren and sisters that's roughly 12GBP.)

Would you buy your last bottle of cheap wine? A few Big Macs? A couple gallons of gas?

The smartest among us would put it to good use getting more money. So . . . guess a Saturday Night Special is in order ....

... and you were never going to have any money again ... what would you buy with it?

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(For our UK brethren and sisters that's roughly 12GBP.)

Would you buy your last bottle of cheap wine? A few Big Macs? A couple gallons of gas?
Which shows the rotten exchange at present. My US SS even with a rise is less then ever due to the current exchange.
Well enough of that, what would I buy?

It's an easy answer if it was a temporary situation. But how can you fathom never having any money at all again?
Head for the nearest government benefits office if here in the UK. They actually do help their citizens unlike a similar situation in the US.
Which shows the rotten exchange at present. My US SS even with a rise is less then ever due to the current exchange.

I feel for you - that must be a rotten situation to be in.

Well enough of that, what would I buy?

It's an easy answer if it was a temporary situation. But how can you fathom never having any money at all again?

Easy - just become a freelance writer. ;)

Head for the nearest government benefits office if here in the UK. They actually do help their citizens unlike a similar situation in the US.

Ah, that's a very creative answer - good on you!
Thanks, Phl. Well, I can't complain as the UK government is very helpful. But get this, I still have to pay taxes on my US SS, low as it is. And it's low due to a sketchy work history. But Uncle Sam, who is the only country in the world who taxes it's citizens living abroad, will tax me. And of course I have to pay an accountant to do the return. Pooey.

I have a personal injury trust in the UK from an accident I had here and have to file that with the Uk government. And Uncle Sam taxes me on any interest it generates as does the Uk goverment. Double pooey!

But I am ok and can't complain really. Too many in this world suffer far worse then I do that's for sure. Excellent medical coverage here too.
Damn... I'm broke!
20 bucks to my name.
I guess I'd buy seeds for a vegetable garden,
and hope what was in my pantry would last till the crop came in. :2cents:
I think if that situation had arrived, and I had only $20, and knew there would be no more; then hopefully, I would have had enough foresight to realize we were coming to this situation, and done at least some things to be able to live without money already.
I wouldn't spend that last $20, until there was a real reason to use it, and try to conserve whatever else I had. Barter was an accepted form of exchange for many years, and if there was no more money, then it would probably become so again.

If it was only me that had no more money, and the rest of the world was fine; then the $20 would not make much difference, one way or the other. I guess it would go for rice and beans, to live on until I could figure out how to survive.
Just for fun, maybe we could assume that the protestors got their wish - all the world's money had been equally re-distributed and we all ended up with $20 ...

... after taxes, of course ... :rolleyes:
Well, in that case, Sifu, a person with something to trade might be able to make some wise bargains, and end up with some of the $20's that other people had.
I am sure we would not all just sit around looking at our $20 bills forever, they don't do any good that way; and I think that Lois had a good idea, with buying seeds, and planting a garden. Then you could sell tomatoes and cucumbers, or at least trade them for something you needed and didn't have.

My mom used to tell me stories about milking the cow, and walking to town with the milk, and she and my dad traded it to people that had bread, or something else to trade, and needed milk. They actually made it through the Great Depression with very little money, so it could be done again.
I wonder if there are any $20 cows around ???
$20 left for the week .. or ? not to worry more comes from the pensions the next week.. but if only had $20 left for the week well I`d buy a loaf of bread.. butter and jar of vegemite.. maybe milk and some apples and live on that till the next week.. probably still have coffee and tea from weeks before...
$20 left for the week .. or ? not to worry more comes from the pensions the next week.. but if only had $20 left for the week well I`d buy a loaf of bread.. butter and jar of vegemite.. maybe milk and some apples and live on that till the next week.. probably still have coffee and tea from weeks before...

Actually, $20 - period. No more income - ever. :devilish:
