Streaming TV shows

We stream Netflix and Prime. Watch some other channels through our cable package. Hubby isn't ready to cut our $100 month cable bill and I'm happy that he has shows and sports to watch and enjoy.
I have all three plus Philo for my HGTV programming. Philo also has 61 "live" channels but I never watch any of them. I watch my beachfront and island home buying shows on demand. I wasn't a fan of Prime but got it as a freebie when I upgraded my MetroPCS cell phone plan. They have some very interesting UFO documentaries and it seems their free with Prime movie choices are getting a little better. I was able to rewatch all seasons of Grimm on Prime. I started watching Homecoming, also recommended by a friend and it kept my interest until the second season when the foul words just got to be too, too much. I have Hulu Plus because I avoid commercial laden programming as much as possible. Of course one of the Netflix biggies is Stranger Things.

You are absolutely right about streaming changing T.V. viewing habits. Sometimes I feel like a "kid in the candy store" and just don't know what to watch next. A friend told me about Upload, a Prime original and I liked it. I told a friend who didn't think she could get into it and she wound up binge watching all the episodes in 2 days. Between all the platforms, I probably have 100 shows in my watchlists, each with several episodes and seasons to get through. :love:
I watch a lot of tv. I could not get into homecoming either.
