Taliban Government in Afghanistan

Yes, at the very end, Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan. He was, however, in Afghanistan when he planned the 9/11 attack AND he was very, very likely in Afghanistan for considerable time AFTER the 9/11 attack.

No disrespect intended but I don't care one tiny bit what the majority of Afghans recognize as their legitimate government. It is, and will always be a festering wound on the body of civilization. In my opinion, the Taliban are savages who keep women and girls as nothing more than sexual slaves.

Considering the fact that OBL got his money from Saudi Arabia that would mean it, too, should have to undergo some international retribution for its crimes. Same with the USA for its crimes on Iraq (remember the nebulous WMD that only existed in Bush's disturbed little mind).

By the way, the Taliban are no worse towards women than are the Saudis.
Considering the fact that OBL got his money from Saudi Arabia that would mean it, too, should have to undergo some international retribution for its crimes. Same with the USA for its crimes on Iraq (remember the nebulous WMD that only existed in Bush's disturbed little mind).

By the way, the Taliban are no worse towards women than are the Saudis.
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When did the Taliban attack the West?
Al-Qaida and the Taliban have had a relationship in the last
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No comment !!!!
I disagree. When I was SA, I thought the women, although not treated the same as here in the U.S. were not beaten in the streets.

There are over 100 terror organizations in the world with over 85% of them being in the Mid East. I would not doubt that Al-Qaida, which has already started rebuilding their terror network, along with Al-Shabaab and ISIS-K will join forces to become one of the largest terror networks in the world.

In Africa, Boko Haram wants to rule Nigeria. All of these terror organizations are, in one way or another, trying to take over countries to govern.
Reading all these comments, reminds me of a young teen Afghan girl, who snuck out of her house to visit her girlfriend. She never made it. She was raped.
Later, she was accused of improper conduct, and of tempting a Afghan man into commiting rape.
She was stoned to death by her own villagers.
What happened to the rapist ? Nothing. People said he was minding his own business when that "whore" tempted him.
At the end of my flying career, I flew missions over the Mid East and at that time, we used SA for refueling only. Our Arsenal was kept onboard ships in the Persian Gulf. I spent 3 continuous days on the ground in SA. I never felt comfortable there, so I never left base.

I bring up SA only because the government has always refused to share documents explaining what Saudi Arabia’s role was in 9/11. The families that lost relatives in the attacks on the towers and the Pentagon have filed suit against the federal government, but their case has not come to fruition yet. I think 15 if the 19 terrorists that took over the planes were from Saudi Arabia.

The 9/11 commission and the report did state that they believe the Saudis did fund Al-Qaida, but have cleared the government of any wrongdoing. The Saudi government was given immunity years ago. Myself, I have no opinion.
It is a terrible situation when a family is so poor that they must kill a girl baby and have the tiny amount of money that a male child would eventually bring in.
previously posted: female infanticide in india - Bing

That society is FAR worse to females than any Muslim country. Yet, there isn't a word of criticism from the west. Strange double standards.
There has been plenty of criticism about this issue. You are so careless with your words sometimes. Human Rights organizations have gotten involved, made noise, lobbied congress, demanded action. Charities have been created, numerous articles have been written and dozens of documentaries have been made to raise awareness on this issue, not only regarding India but other countries as well, including in Asia, Africa, the Middle-East and South America.
There has been plenty of criticism about this issue. You are so careless with your words sometimes. Human Rights organizations have gotten involved, made noise, lobbied congress, demanded action. Charities have been created, numerous articles have been written and dozens of documentaries have been made to raise awareness on this issue, not only regarding India but other countries as well, including in Asia, Africa, the Middle-East and South America.

But what corrective actions have been taken after all these decades? As those reports you see about India indicate, this has been going on for generations. MILLIONS have died. Where is the outrage from the West? Do you ever see any condemnation in the daily media? I sure as hell haven't.

By contrast the West invades and occupies Muslim countries, condemns Islam, stereotypes people by calling them terrorists, imposes terrible depredations on those countries, extracts oil and other resources without compensating those countries and its people, and then wonders why the West is so hated by them. On top of all that, the invading West refuses to pay reparations for all the harm it does to those countries! Even Hitler couldn't get away with any of that!

There is nothing even remotely careless about the words I used. It's just the facts whether you choose to believe it or not. The West selectively condemns one side, disregards worse conditions in the other, and then imposes its own brand of genocidal terrorism while playing a pretended role of morale guardian and guarantor of all the world's niceties. All that is factual, like it or not.
But what corrective actions have been taken after all these decades? As those reports you see about India indicate, this has been going on for generations. MILLIONS have died. Where is the outrage from the West? Do you ever see any condemnation in the daily media? I sure as hell haven't.

By contrast the West invades and occupies Muslim countries, condemns Islam, stereotypes people by calling them terrorists, imposes terrible depredations on those countries, extracts oil and other resources without compensating those countries and its people, and then wonders why the West is so hated by them. On top of all that, the invading West refuses to pay reparations for all the harm it does to those countries! Even Hitler couldn't get away with any of that!

There is nothing even remotely careless about the words I used. It's just the facts whether you choose to believe it or not. The West selectively condemns one side, disregards worse conditions in the other, and then imposes its own brand of genocidal terrorism while playing a pretended role of morale guardian and guarantor of all the world's niceties. All that is factual, like it or not.
What would you have us do with India; colonize? Set up a puppet regime?

They got real mad at us when our 37th president sided with Pakistan in the Indo-Paki War, rightfully so. US and worldwide charitable organizations rescued some starving Bangladeshis in the aftermath, but corruption in India's gov't made that a challenge. India has finally begun to warm up to the US in the past couple of decades.
Let's turn that around ~ what would you do? Ditto for all else who see the Taliban as a menace and imagine the USA to be the moral guardians of the Universe.
So you have nothing to offer other than complaints and criticism? No solutions or even an idea in mind?

And where did you get the idea that I "imagine the USA to be the moral guardians of the Universe". I've never suggested any such thing.
As rotten as they are and as murderous as they may be, the Taliban should be left alone to sort out their own country. Interference by the West can only cause more destruction for the poor innocents who have to live under their rule.
As rotten as they are and as murderous as they may be, the Taliban should be left alone to sort out their own country. Interference by the West can only cause more destruction for the poor innocents who have to live under their rule.

I wonder if anybody thought that the reason these people act the way they do towards others (especially Americans) is because they are not left alone to do as they please in their country!
I wonder if anybody thought that the reason these people act the way they do towards others (especially Americans) is because they are not left alone to do as they please in their country!
Absolutely not. They have been killing totally innocent people since time began. Seems like killing innocents is a favorite sport.
So you have nothing to offer other than complaints and criticism? No solutions or even an idea in mind?

And where did you get the idea that I "imagine the USA to be the moral guardians of the Universe". I've never suggested any such thing.

I find it amazing that people can be so selective in their criticism of foreign countries, their cultures, and their governments. At the same time, am amazed that a government like the Taliban (the only legitimate government in Afghanistan as recognized by their people) can be accused of attacking the West without the slightest proof offered in any legal venue such as the World Court. Meanwhile, the USA bombs the hell out of Afghanistan and Iraq killing hundreds of thousands of people and proclaims itself the moral guarantor of the known universe.

Solution? Sure there is one: simply apply the same standard to all as you would have others apply to you.

If Afghanistan has to answer for the crimes of another party (here, al Qaeda), then the USA needs to answer for its crimes in killing Middle Easterners and in imposing billions of dollars worth of damages in war depredations. Let every party to the mess we see in that region be equally accountable for its actions. While we're at it, let's make very sure all those who profit from war pay a 100% tax rate on those profits. Then we will finally have peace.
I wonder if anybody thought that the reason these people act the way they do towards others (especially Americans) is because they are not left alone to do as they please in their country!

Exactly. Saudi Arabia is just as "bad" if not worse than the Taliban. Yet, nobody objects to their repressive government's antics. In fact, Washington DC considers it an "ally".

Now suppose if the UN decided it is finally tired of seeing police kill innocents blacks and Hispanics in the USA and launched an invasion that included massive bombings of police stations ~ imagine how the headlines in the newspapers would look like next day.

The USA simply has no business getting involved in those people's affairs just like they have no business getting involved in ours.
Solution? Sure there is one: simply apply the same standard to all as you would have others apply to you.

If Afghanistan has to answer for the crimes of another party (here, al Qaeda), then the USA needs to answer for its crimes in killing Middle Easterners and in imposing billions of dollars worth of damages in war depredations. Let every party to the mess we see in that region be equally accountable for its actions. While we're at it, let's make very sure all those who profit from war pay a 100% tax rate on those profits. Then we will finally all be blind.
So in essence, an eye for an eye, yeah?
Follow the money!

“The ultimate point of failure for our efforts, you know, wasn’t an insurgency,” said Ryan Crocker, a two-time U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan in 2016. “It was the weight of endemic corruption.”

The United States, in Crocker’s view, bears responsibility for much of the corruption in Afghanistan because it flooded the country with billions of dollars more than its economy could absorb.

“You just cannot put those amounts of money into a very fragile state and society, and not have it fuel corruption,” said Crocker. “You just can’t.”

As for the USA, the better thing is to mind its own business and there will be considerably more peace.
Is fighting terrorists who are planning on attacking U.S. citizens our business ? OR would you wait until AFTER they have attacked, and killed thousands more?
