Things from your childhood that would baffle young people of today

this is similar to the mangle my mum had clamped to the sink ( this was in the 60' I said, we were poor).. she would fold the sheets and feed them into the mangle and I would have to turn the handle...very tough job when you're 11 or 12 years old years old...


then she was given a single tub with a smaller mangle.. took ages to wash for 6 people, we'd have to fill it, and wash the whites, then empty and refill and wash coloureds , then empty and refill and wash towels etc.. and that thing would dance around the kitchen like Fred Astaire on speed.. but at least it saved her knuckles...

Another inmate at the asylum I hang out in took this picture of an old washer he restored and donated to a museum.


A little before my time, it was a washing mechanism I had never seen before. Even my oldest and poorest relatives had something with a rotating agitator in it.

Just about every day young people nowadays argue over who was better ~ Le Bron James or Michael Jordan?
Pardon my bias but, phooey I say!
Wilt Chamberlain was the absolute GREATEST basketball player who ever lived. Anyone who denies that either never saw him play or just doesn't understand the sport. You just had to see videos of his games to know what I mean. He was the BEST, ever!

