You Know You're Old When...

Paul Who? Only kidding, when the world and his dog were going Beatlemania crazy I had, ten years earlier, as a young teenager, discovered the American craze of Swing.
How I loved it, still do. The Jitterbug and other jive dances were great after the more formal rules of Latin & Ballroom. Dance has always been a passion of mine. Shame I can't show you any film but, back in 2009, we were in Glasgow at a rather good vintage function, like I said, there's no film but this write up will make you smile. remote cards: Old Folk Dancing Like They Were Young Again

Love the jive dances, but I'm sure to suffer with a displaced hip or a spine fracture.

Everyone heads off to do something, gets distracted and forgets what they headed off to do for a bit. Stay on track, concentrate, don't let B.S. enter your thoughts. Well, thas a start. ...... 🤞

I have a couple of friends who is going through some things. One has always patiently listened to my complaints and issues over the years without passing judgements or giving unsolicited advice. So at this point, she can b*tch and complain all she wants. I will always listen and try to provide comfort.

For friends who complain about health issues, I can relate and empathize having suffered through a sometimes very debilitating heart condition since I was 28 (corrected in 2016). Well....I'm not getting old anyway... :ROFLMAO:
Two different elderly couples I know--one friends, one relatives--are going through stuff that the only way things are going to get better for even just one of them is if one dies or goes permanently into skilled nursing and it just breaks my heart, it's so sad and hard for all involved. And they have grown kids and the kids are all aware of what's going on but for many reasons, the kids aren't able to do anything to make it better. So as you said, Diva, all you can do sometimes is listen.
Two different elderly couples I know--one friends, one relatives--are going through stuff that the only way things are going to get better for even just one of them is if one dies or goes permanently into skilled nursing and it just breaks my heart, it's so sad and hard for all involved. And they have grown kids and the kids are all aware of what's going on but for many reasons, the kids aren't able to do anything to make it better. So as you said, Diva, all you can do sometimes is listen.
My sister, who is in her eighties, is facing the same hardship. She loves her husband and can't stand to see him in a nursing home yet he is become increasingly belligerent and violent. The Police had to be called recently but she refuses the obvious solution. He has been medicated in the meantime and is calmer and more reasonable. My heart breaks for her. If you are in your eighties you deserve a bit of peace after a lifetime of work!
