Do you care whether your family gossip about you or not?


Senior Member
I used to. I thought to myself
"whatever they say about me. their assessments or conclusions or judgements must be true. they know me better than me."
but now i dont.
they all live 3 000 miles away now. i dont care much what they think of me because i hardly ever see them.
You might say I do care because I started this thread. well yeah that might be true roo. i dont know.

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My family is out of state and they're not big on gossip...I doubt they talk about me much at all. Hypo, you shouldn't concern yourself at all about what people may be saying about you, waste of your precious time, in my opinion. :)
ok seabreeze.cough up . what are you saying about me behind my back? 😡😡😢😢😁
Never gave a damn what anyone said about me and still don't.
i never quite reached that enviable height.
i prefer those that cause scandals than the scandal mongerers / gossipers.Except terrorists mass murderers and pedophiles. generally im not a fan of journalists. though sonetimes their investigative reporting is important.
i need a rest. my mental health is starting to plummet. 😁😂😁
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I think it's human nature to wonder what others think of us, especially the people we're closest to, which is typically family or people we consider family.

There's a saying I love: "What others think of me is none of my business." I think it's very healthy to feel that way. I'm very much my own person and a bit of a rebel, and I know some people have a somewhat negative opinion of me based on gossip that has gotten back to me, or comments or their judgmental attitude. Mostly it rolls off my back and I don't feel a need to defend myself.

I'm grateful that those closest to me are very accepting of me and my quirks and I've seldom felt any sense of criticism or negativity from them, though I'm sure the various family members talk about me. I mean, I talk about each of them to the other family members from time to time! I think that's human nature too. But my rule for that which I try really hard to abide by is that I won't say anything ABOUT them that I wouldn't say TO them.
Not something I ever worried about, talk about me behind my back means you are leaving others alone... Never worry about that kind of stuff ever, Just as I am dead to the younger sister, and brother, and Dad... Never upset me, you guys are loosing out as far as I am concerned...
You need to meet my (deceased) husbands family. These folks have nothing else to talk about except the ‘outlaws’ (their words for us). Bunch of bored individuals. My life is so much better since I don’t have to be around them. Assholes.
I don't know if my family gossips about me, probably do. If I got into the drama of gossip, I'd definitely have more people hanging around and the phone would be ringing with more than just robo-calls. I saw that with my husband and his family. Different cliques of people at different times. Sounds fun, but you gotta keep straight who said what about whom, and what you said about someone else. Then there's people getting mad, picking sides, drawing battle-lines. Exciting, but seems like too much work to care. Peace and quiet is way better for me.
I learned many years ago that anyone even family can gossip about you and say things that aren't always true. My older brother was a great example of that. He was 11 yrs old when my sister was born and 13 yrs old when I was born. From as early as I can remember he said lies about me and my sister especially after he married. I believe it was his problem and not mine. He is gone now so hopefully he finally realizes the pain he caused me and my sister.
