What Was Your First Sign Of Aging?

I've never had pretty hands (unlike my daughter)...so aside from the first signs of grey hair , I think my hands getting noticeably old-lady like and wrinkled , was my first sign...

I've always looked young for my age so always had to prove I was old enough for everything, so perhaps the first time I wasn't asked for proof might have been the first time I realised I was looking older... :D

You're very lucky not to have wrinkles at almost 73 do you have olive skin ? :)
Although people are kind enough to tell me I look younger than my nearly 70s years, as my hair hasn't lost its natural colour and I don't have wrinkles, my arthritic fingers are causing me quite a lot of problems. I find it hard to tie laces and pick up small objects.

My walking pace slowed. ... I could do a fast walk up until a couple years ago, then my knees started aching with that routine.
I still do my daily walks and also stair climbing, only at a slower pace these days.
I was a Psychiatric Nurse, working in a psych hospital. Well, you do have to restrain patients at times. I was one of the staff holding an 18 year old male patient on the ground, while the medication kicked in. He was struggling, and intent on punching us. I was holding his arm down. Only that he was a strong............ ah, person. When he calmed down, I got looks from the other staff, because I couldn't hold his arm still. I tried with all my might, but i just didn't have the strength I used to have. It was obvious I was getting old. From then on, I wasn't on the team to hold down pts. I was a danger to myself and the patient. That was hard to take.
@hollydolly and @pleinmont, I likewise have OA in my fingers. Sometimes painful and impossible to get some of my wrings over the enlarged knuckles.

Otherwise I show the standard signs of ageing. Mostly skin that is increasingly crepey and wrinkling. Ugh...
I know it sounds vain, but I hate the way my fingers look. I've only got OA in several fingers not all but still, the knuckles look like they belong to someone else. My husband says he never notices, and doesn't think anyone else notices... but I feel I should be like the queen and wear gloves everytime I go out... ( I don't of course, but I feel if I could get some really nice ones I would to hide my fingers)... in the winter when it's cold or damp or when there's another knuckle growing a spur of bone, it's very painful
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Vision got blurry in my 40's. I couldn't read labels when shopping, so I got some reading glasses. When I had a physical at 60 the doctor told me I was legally blind in one eye. The eye doctor sent me to have a cataract removed. Now my depth of vision is back and I can see in 3D again!
I am 77 and things have been going downhill slowly for a few years, they seemed to accelerate at 70. But what got me really upset and very aware of my aging was last summer. I needed to step up on my kitchen chair to change the filter for my AC up on the ceiling. I could not step on that chair after many tries, I was so weak. I finally changed it amazingly by using a broom. And after that I had a self-pitying good cry. Since then I bought a step ladder with hand rails and have been doing squats and other leg strengthening exercises.
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I am 77 and things have been going downhill slowly for a few years, they seemed to accelerate at 70. But what got me really upset and very aware of my aging was last summer. I needed to step up on my kitchen chair to change the filter for my AC up on the ceiling. I could not step on that chair after many tries, I was so weak. I finally did it amanzigly by using a broom. And after that I had a self-pitying good cry. Since then I bought a step ladder with hand rails and have been doing squats and other leg strengthening exercises.

has it worked.. ? :unsure: 🧡
1. Forgetting about clothes in the dryer. They were too hot to touch when I took them out.
2. Realizing I shouldn't run up 2 stairs at a time any more.
3. Varicose leg veins
4. Forgetting what I forgot.
5. Frequent use of the phrase, "Screw it."
6. Picking something up from the floor & asking myself, "Is there anything else I need while I'm down here?"
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I am 77 and things have been going downhill slowly for a few years, they seemed to accelerate at 70. But what got me really upset and very aware of my aging was last summer. I needed to step up on my kitchen chair to change the filter for my AC up on the ceiling. I could not step on that chair after many tries, I was so weak. I finally changed it amazingly by using a broom. And after that I had a self-pitying good cry. Since then I bought a step ladder with hand rails and have been doing squats and other leg strengthening exercises.

Know the feeling ... a few years back I realized that ladders weren't my friend anymore. Had to give two small ones away, in the name of safety. I ended up buying one with four steps and hand rails too. I feel pretty safe with that one. Can reach the top shelves in my walk-in closet.
Know the feeling ... a few years back I realized that ladders weren't my friend anymore. Had to give two small ones away, in the name of safety. I ended up buying one with four steps and hand rails too. I feel pretty safe with that one. Can reach the top shelves in my walk-in closet.
I've just bought new ladders. They don't have handles but they're a heavier weight with non slip steps , compared to the lightweight aluminium ones I'd been using for years.. .. I have several step ladders of various heights inside the barn and in the house, these new ones are for reaching the top of my walk in closet like yours, and for reaching up to change light bulbs in the rest of the house.

We have a slide down ladder for the attic... and we have 2 tall sets of ladders in the barn which hubs uses for outside work and I bought him non slip rubber ladder mats for under the feet to stop the ladder slipping , but I wish he would buy a ladder with handles..
59 was the year that I developed arthritis in my mid back, at first I thought I was having problems with my pancreas but the doctor advised me after tests that I had arthritis in my spine and that was the reason for the pain, after that the arthritis spread throughout my body, so arthritis has been the most prevalent sign of aging in my body, I have also had problems with digestion but it has cleared up considerably since I have lost weight....
I saw pictures of myself and was shocked that my face looked so old. I guess when I looked at myself in the mirror every morning it didn't hit me that things were changing so rapidly. A few photographs changed all that. Also, my daughters and I take a group photo at the same statue every 2-3 years or so, and when I line them up, I really see how I've changed. They get taller and prettier, and I get more matronly. Sigh.
