A Senior Discovers the Red Pill

I don't know about neuro pain, but it helps with my crippling mental insecurities.

Maybe get some codeine from Fur ...

lol, I just replied to that thread. Norcos work nicely, but the side affects and habit formation would be a 'deal breaker'.

I tried to read the OP but could make no sense of it whatsoever. But then, I never saw The Matrix so I guess I'm totally out of the loop.
There is also a documentary coming out this year callled The Red Pill.

As forr Tucker, imagine how many Tucker wannabes are out there and how many women want to be with them.
The other book is Aholes finish first. (I think)
There is also a documentary coming out this year callled The Red Pill.

As forr Tucker, imagine how many Tucker wannabes are out there and how many women want to be with them.
The other book is Aholes finish first. (I think)

That's why I refer to it as a sub-culture, because yes, there are players on both sides but they aren't (yet) mainstream.

You don't have to support or be a part of a sub-culture in order to try to understand it, but that's the common knee-jerk reaction of people - that if you even mention the name of the movement you must be a part of it, or at least aligned with its principles. They immediately need to know how to categorize you and will bombard you with questions until they know which drawer to place you in.

So yes, there are women equal to these men in the world. If they all play together without invading anyone elses domains, what's the problem?

It would be as if furries suddenly took over the Westboro Baptist Church - yes, there might be a few problems created, but they are both sub-cultures and would likely have a negligible effect on our lives, aside from some great photo ops.
It would be as if furries suddenly took over the Westboro Baptist Church - yes, there might be a few problems created, but they are both sub-cultures and would likely have a negligible effect on our lives, aside from some great photo ops.
I think it's just interesting sometimes to be open minded. I read virtually everything I can get my paws on. I subscribe to several men's magazines like GQ for the articles. There will be lead stories where you say out loud " Wow I never heard of this before", and that's a good thing. You might have to wash out your brain afterwards but you've learned something new.
Being open to new things IS wonderful; unfortunately it's rare in most people, even more so in seniors - we get stuck in our ways and our beliefs and it's too much trouble to change them.

As I hopefully made clear, I agree with some of the Red Pill philosophy and disagree with some other parts. I approached it with an open mind (at least I think I did) and developed my "take away". Of course it's always open to being modified in the future as new data comes in. You might see another article from me in the future condemning them, or I might be running around the forum wearing a Red Pill T-shirt.
