Did You Accomplish Anything Today?

Today I tried calling my Doctors surgery from the minute they opened to see if I could get him to prescribe some Muscle relaxants .. it was constantly engaged throughout the day ... just appalling!!

I called the pharmacy and the best they could offer without a prescription was paracetamol/Ibuprofen or topical rubs .. absolutely no use at all.

I'm fed up with the doctors' surgery never answering phones, and when they do finding that unless I'm dying I can't see a doctor for a month, so I'm going to make an appointment to see a Private doc....costs a few quid, but it's worth it to get seen quickly
Hope your pain is better, Hollydolly. If it's any consolation, my U.S. doctor's office is the same way and he doesn't have a guaranteed income. I did see a "new patients welcome" sign in his window yesterday. There's no wonder why he needs new ones.

I finally accomplished seeing a dr. for my hand/wrist. After examining me she said that I had a very positive reaction of a tendon being injured. She said it's an inflamed tendon. She wanted to give me nsads but I told her I was hoping for a cortisone shot. She told me my pain is so severe she would do it--so I got the shot. It should start working in 1 to 2 days and then by 3 weeks it should reach it's full potential. So I see her again in 6 weeks. She also gave me a real good brace and told me to always wear it at night when I sleep and as much as possible during the day. I am so relieved!
Did my regular morning chores and then assembled a new higher kitchen gate for our Olympic High Jumping Bichon puppy who managed to jump over the original one, and then jumped over the original one with an additional five inches added to the height. None of the other four Bichons ever did this. The new gate is 14 inches taller, but I am not going to bet that Daisy can't clear this one as well.
It was a normal Navy Style Field Day Friday around here. I just finished using the vacuum a couple of minutes ago.

So far, Puppy Daisy The Olympic High Jumping Bichon has NOT jumped over her new gate.
Today I tried calling my Doctors surgery from the minute they opened to see if I could get him to prescribe some Muscle relaxants .. it was constantly engaged throughout the day ... just appalling!!

I called the pharmacy and the best they could offer without a prescription was paracetamol/Ibuprofen or topical rubs .. absolutely no use at all.

I'm fed up with the doctors' surgery never answering phones, and when they do finding that unless I'm dying I can't see a doctor for a month, so I'm going to make an appointment to see a Private doc....costs a few quid, but it's worth it to get seen quickly
We can’t get muscle relaxants without being seen. But we have walk in clinics, no appointment necessary, just walk in and see a doctor. Does not cost extra.
Got up and, finally, was able to plant the rest of the grass, had husband take out a couple plants and off to my doctor appointment. My appointments last 2 hours, ugh. Then blood test 8 tubes for the love of god.

Since my son did not want the goggles I bought him, I took them to my doctor. She said thank you, and she was just thinking of buying one cause she has so much trouble with her face shield. And i had no ideal how grateful she was that she brought them for her. And could she pay me, nope.

But I, apparently, made her day 😂.

Then we were able to go to the Jewish deli (only one in town) and it was open. YAY. Fourth try is the charm. Take out only, we got a pastrami sandwich. They have the best melt in your mouth pastrami you will ever have.

Then we stopped at Lowe’s for more mulch, 😂. Then Walmart, haven’t been there in months, got notebooks for 50 cents a piece. In the past they have always been 25 cents, so double the price. My son with DS loves to “write” in notebooks.

We are finally home and I am tired! But still need to go to one more shop after we put groceries away. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Justy back in from a guided street photography walk around Manchester. I was the guide. It mostly rained lol.
I think it has rained here twice since April, I’m surprised they have not started rationing water, but then again, with the virus people would probably rebel.
Well, with the current condition of my back I can barely do anything, which is frustrating to say the least, but I did manage to make brunch and wash up today..if I go very carefully I can manage with the help of my meds as well .. however there's nothing to stop me vicariously working through 'he who must be told what to do''.. so I did... :D..this weekend., he's replaced the patio canopy with a nice shiny new one...quite a job because the new one is bigger so he had to drill new holes in the brick, and then the bolts that came with it were no good, so he had to go and buy new as soon as the store opened this morning , and then keep stopping while it rained off and on ..but it's up now and looking great!!

He's not had time to continue with the new office, but he did get the new shelves built and installed in the barn.. ..and in my brick shed he's drilled a whole bunch of new hooks for me to hang my brushes and pans, and gardening tools , so everything looks neat and tidy.. (y)
Well, with the current condition of my back I can barely do anything, which is frustrating to say the least, but I did manage to make brunch and wash up today..if I go very carefully I can manage with the help of my meds as well .. however there's nothing to stop me vicariously working through 'he who must be told what to do''.. so I did... :D..this weekend., he's replaced the patio canopy with a nice shiny new one...quite a job because the new one is bigger so he had to drill new holes in the brick, and then the bolts that came with it were no good, so he had to go and buy new as soon as the store opened this morning , and then keep stopping while it rained off and on ..but it's up now and looking great!!

He's not had time to continue with the new office, but he did get the new shelves built and installed in the barn.. ..and in my brick shed he's drilled a whole bunch of new hooks for me to hang my brushes and pans, and gardening tools , so everything looks neat and tidy.. (y)
Oh, I so want a patio cover although I don’t have a patio, 😂. A tree root from the tree we had removed went under the very small cement pad, and raised on end up badly. When it rains it drains down and water gets into the house-laundry room.

We removed a small section of pad, dug it out, and put in river rocks, which solved the problem for now but before winter he needs to remove the rest of the pad. But I also want to cover that area which will really help the issue. We put a floor drain into the tiny laundry room after the washing flooded the laundry room and kitchen.

So water coming in that back door, which opens into the laundry, should not effect the rest of the house, still want it fixed.

I wish you would stop doing stuff. I am really worried about your back (yes, I know, you don’t need my advice); but I have spent time in a wheelchair because of mine, and I hate being in a chair. Try harder to take it easy! 😍
