I'm an ER Doctor and Have Bad News About COVID

Here you go. Link at the bottom of this post. Click, choose Comorbidities, click. Here's the paragraph at the top of the table:

Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups...(snip)

Scroll down and look at the rows. 77,000 from pneumonia and influenza. About normal for those two diseases. Cerebrovascular disease? That's a brain issue. How about the poisoning one, does that belong under COVID deaths? What about the 88,000 listed under all other causes and conditions? You can't add them up because with with 2.6 per death, many deaths are counted in as many as three categories.

This is where the numbers that the news reports are coming from. They are at the very least misleading.

My son is obese and was very worried because the news keeps reporting that obesity is a leading contributor to COVID deaths. Look at the table. A total of 6,000 people have died with COVID and obesity, but that's not accurate either because there was an average of 1.6 other things wrong with those that died in this category. In his age group, it's 320 people. That's it, 320, across the nation, since this started. In any other time it wouldn't have even warranted a 1 minute report.

Here are some questions for you to consider. Not meant to be argumentative, but food for thought. Think about them carefully.

If masks work so well, why do doctors and nurses only wear them for surgery? When was the last time (during normal times) you went to the doctor and any of the staff wore a mask? Did they wear them during the exam? Except for a few rare reasons, like a bad case of tuberculosis. Personally, I have never had that happen. These people live around colds and flu all the time. If masks were the answer, why don't they all either die, spend their entire lives sick, or simply wear the mask?

Are funeral homes, cemeteries, churches, etc. overflowing or overloaded in your area? If we have an added 200,000 deaths from COVID, the math works out to an average of 800 people, per state, per month from April through August, the vast majority of these in heavily populated areas. Why aren't there problems in the funeral industry? Why aren't there casket shortages? Wouldn't the local news be reporting this? The CDC also keeps track of deaths state by state, year to year. As far as I can tell, we are still within the typical range. So, where are all of these extra deaths?

As for cases and infections, isn't that what we want? We're testing more than ever, wouldn't we expect the cases to go up? The more people who are infected means we're closer to herd immunity, which is exactly what we need.



I think someone is confused. What he is referring to is what Dr. Redfield stated last week or 2 weeks ago on TV that only 6% of the COVID deaths are those that had no other complications. So, 6% of 195,000 would mean that only 11,700 of those 195,000 deaths are strictly COVID deaths. If a patient had heart disease and died and his blood test showed that the patient had the antibodies or COVID, the death would be recorded as COVID. I’m not saying that I agree with this theory, but just what I believe is where the confusion is.
Incorrect. Referring directly to the CDC. See my post above.
If masks work so well, why do doctors and nurses only wear them for surgery? When was the last time (during normal times) you went to the doctor and any of the staff wore a mask? Did they wear them during the exam?

Of course they wear them during the exam, and every single other moment, I'mnotdeadyet! Where did you ever get the idea that they don't wear them?

OK, I just went back and reread, and I saw that you did say, "in normal times." Which is a relief; I'd hate to think of you going to a doctor right now who isn't wearing a mask.

But my answer to your question is, in normal times there isn't a deadly virus that is very contagious, killing off people by the hundreds of thousands. Usually, the worst thing you might catch from them, or give them, is a cold. And I suspect that if there was another serious flu epidemic like there was a century ago, they would certainly all wear masks for that reason too.

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Seems like it wouldn't be safe to use organs from somebody who died of covid-19, and that would be in the medical records if what you say is true, so I'm skeptical. Do you have a link for that story?
That particular story was briefly on the news a couple of months ago, but I haven't seen anything about it lately - maybe due to privacy concerns, since it's in litigation. But here is related info:

At our ages, we are trying to comply with the mask and distancing requirements. A bit of "inconvenience" is a better option than risking catching this illness. We will probably even be very cautious when we have the family Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners....and all the kids are in agreement.

We expect to stay "masked" for many more months.
Make sure to keep those mask & distancing requirements while you're eating.
'Cuz the minute anyone at your table moves their mask, they're putting everyone's life in danger.
But my answer to your question is, in normal times there isn't a deadly virus that is very contagious, killing off people by the hundreds of thousands. Usually, the worst thing you might catch from them, or give them, is a cold. And I suspect that if there was another serious flu epidemic like there was a century ago, they would certainly all wear masks for that reason too.
And there isn't one now. Obviously the vast majority of my post went right over your head. Read it again. We do NOT have hundreds of thousands of extra deaths. We have about the same number of deaths we've always had. Do you think that when COVID came along, all of a sudden people stopped having heart attacks? Did cancer stop because of COVID? Of course not. So, again, reread my post. If we have a "deadly virus" (we don't) killing off hundreds of thousands of people, we'd have hundreds of thousands off extra deaths. We do not.
So then, let's reintroduce the smallpox virus, which we have managed to wipe out. By your logic, INDY, that would mean millions of fewer deaths from cancer, heart attacks, etc. All those people would already be dead from smallpox instead.

We could also try stepping up the incidence of bubonic plague, diphtheria, and a host of others, in order to reduce the number of people dying of old age!

There isn't a deadly virus out there? Really? Tell that to the 941,000 people worldwide who have so far died of this disease, not to mention the 20.3 million who have had it, many of them hideously ill for weeks or months, with lasting health problems caused by Covid. What planet are you living on?

Your logic is grossly faulty, to put it mildly.
If we have a "deadly virus" (we don't) ....

We do, and that's the unfortunate truth... And It is easily transmitted

killing off hundreds of thousands of people....
There's were numbers are being twisted. Its true that some folks are becoming severely ill and dying from strictly COVID,
But the majority are from underlying conditions complicated by the virus...
We seen the same thing with the Flu in 09.... with way more fatalities here locally....
Flu season is coming and yes... more will die....
@I'mnotdeadyet, I see where you're going with this. I won't be riding along on the "the entire world is in on this conspiracy train" but thanks for the info on where to buy a ticket.

If you click Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19 on that same site, you'll see the chart below. Note the huge bump in deaths this year.
So yes, we in the US have had many, many additional deaths this year.

US deaths.JPG
It's very strange to me that a disease could become so politicized.

Obviously there is a pandemic. Obviously it has killed close to a million people worldwide. Obviously those most likely to die are elderly or have co-morbidities such as heart disease, obesity, or immune disorders.

I don't believe in conspiracies. The world isn't that well-organized. I do believe in human ineptitude, which has been on display since this first broke out, first in the Chinese response, then in our response, then in various places around the globe.

This will burn itself out, as all pandemics do. A vaccine will help. In the meantime masks, therapeutics and reasonable social distancing seem to be our best bets.
A nurse is suing the hospital she worked at because she refused to do what a doctor instructed her to do:
A young man was brought into the ER with a fatal head injury from a motorcycle accident. He was kept on a ventilator so his organs could be donated if his family agreed to it. The doctor told the nurse to indicate Covid-19 on the death certificate as the cause of death. She refused & she was fired. I hope she collects big time.
Makes one wonder how often that happens.
Kudos to the nurse!

I hope the doctor is fired and his right to ever practice medicine again, terminated.

Make an example of liars in the medical field.
I don't believe in conspiracies. The world isn't that well-organized.
About 30 years ago I was privileged to go to JPL on a field trip with one of my sons (his classmate's father worked there). I saw their Mission Control room. Hundreds of people were directly involved just at that one facility. There were at least a dozen, probably more, tracking and support facilities around the world. The people working the moon shots were extraordinarily well educated, highly talented engineers and scientists whose entire careers were dedicated to the space program.

Anyone who believed that the moon walk was done on a Hollywood sound stage doesn't understand human nature. The depth and breadth of the conspiracy across thousands of people and many nations would have been impossible to pull off. (Note also that no dying engineers, astronauts, or camera operators have made deathbed confessions stating it was all a fraud.)

A gargantuan Covid-19 conspiracy would be even harder to manage - 213 nations and territories across the entire political spectrum all volunteering to damage their economies for a non-event? To what end?
So then, let's reintroduce the smallpox virus, which we have managed to wipe out. By your logic, INDY, that would mean millions of fewer deaths from cancer, heart attacks, etc. All those people would already be dead from smallpox instead.

We could also try stepping up the incidence of bubonic plague, diphtheria, and a host of others, in order to reduce the number of people dying of old age!

There isn't a deadly virus out there? Really? Tell that to the 941,000 people worldwide who have so far died of this disease, not to mention the 20.3 million who have had it, many of them hideously ill for weeks or months, with lasting health problems caused by Covid. What planet are you living on?

Your logic is grossly faulty, to put it mildly.
I have no idea how you've come to any of your conclusions. How does reintroducing an old malady even work into this?

The only reason you believe 941,000 people worldwide have die from this is that you've been told to, over and over and over. Did you bother to look at the links I posted?

So what if 20 million had it? Millions of people get sick every year.
A gargantuan Covid-19 conspiracy would be even harder to manage - 213 nations and territories across the entire political spectrum all volunteering to damage their economies for a non-event? To what end?
It's not a conspiracy, nor is it fake. I don't know anyone who believes it is. The point I am trying to make is that the reaction and the hype by the media is way overblown and causing unnecessary fear and concern where it isn't warranted.
@I'mnotdeadyet, I see where you're going with this. I won't be riding along on the "the entire world is in on this conspiracy train" but thanks for the info on where to buy a ticket.

If you click Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19 on that same site, you'll see the chart below. Note the huge bump in deaths this year.
So yes, we in the US have had many, many additional deaths this year.

View attachment 123005
That chart is specifically related to the information from the CDC, which has been demonstrated does not represent actual deaths from COVID. It represents every single person who has died and had a positive COVID test, whether they were actually experiencing COVID symptoms or not. Again, there were an average of 2.6 comorbidities for every death. That includes some extraordinary titles, such as poisonings. Who in their right mind would think the number form poisonings belongs on a list of COVD deaths? No one. The problem is this is how the CDC reports things and has for years, and the media is taking full advantage.
I don't think any one person or institution has a grasp on this thing yet. Fauci is the poster child for contradictions and now the CDC chief says that masks are better than any vaccine. We're all still learning about this strange virus I guess.
@I'mnotdeadyet, I see where you're going with this. I won't be riding along on the "the entire world is in on this conspiracy train" but thanks for the info on where to buy a ticket.

If you click Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19 on that same site, you'll see the chart below. Note the huge bump in deaths this year.
So yes, we in the US have had many, many additional deaths this year.

View attachment 123005
Yeah........Charts & Graphs.
A few years ago, Dept. of Water & Power started sending me outrageous electricity bills - over $600.00. My usual electric is around $110.00. The news reported other people getting outrageous electricity bills.
I phoned DWP & the representative told me to look at the graph that shows my usage.
I said, "You really think I'm stupid? YOU make that graph. You can draw the lines as long as you want to justify your charges."
I asked, "When was my meter read?" She said "The date of your meter reading is on your bill."
I then revealed something interesting: My meter CAN'T be read; it's behind a locked gate & it's pointed in the opposite direction of the driveway.
I asked for a supervisor who had me read the meter while I was on the phone with her. After I gave her the numbers, she said, "Those numbers are very different than the numbers our meter reader turned in."
I said, "Yeah....he just makes them up - in your favor. He lies & your employees swear to it."

I wrote to the Mayor & they made DWP install a digital meter that can be read from their office.
Part of my letter: "You make a big deal of busting drug dealers, thieves & scam artists, while you allow the biggest criminal enterprise - Dept. of Water & Power - to commit fraud & rip off thousands of people."
Every electric section of my bill since then is around $110.00. And those long lines on their graph are (mysteriously) much shorter, now.
Looks like they've had enough of me.
I saw news yesterday, someone from WHO said "normal" may not return until 2022....

where I live, people are jumping off a bridge to kill themselves.... one guy was on a bridge 20 hours before they talked him down.. week before a husband and wife jumped, one survived the other did not.

funny you don't hear the media telling these sort of stories about millions of people suffering that don't even have the virus... lost jobs, lost businesses, lost their homes or place to live, lost hope so they take their own lives. The mental damage this virus is causing on young people and seniors is more of a problem/threat than the physical disease itself...

I think it's a bad idea to keep everything shut down... it's doing more harm than good... if masks protect us (like we are told), it's time to open everything back up and have people wear their mask and keep 6 feet apart.

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