Just senior humor

Have you ever had an all-night vigil? Fear respect, plan to help the young'uns, that sort of thing? Me neither!

Guy's driving through the country and sees a horse standing in the pasture near the split rail fense.
Guy tuurns up the drive and meets the Farmer, asking about buying the beautiful Filly? "Afraid not,"
said the farmer. "I'll give you $10,000. "I can't sell you that horse. She doen't look too good," replied the farmer.
"I know horses, and she looks fine. I'll give you $15,000." "Well, all right, if you want her so bad."
The next day, Guy returns the horse, screaming that he had been conned. "You sold me a blind horse!"
"Well," said the farmer, "I told you she didn't look too good."
Elderly couple go into the Doctor for their annual checkups.

First the Doc gives them checkups and then they chat about what's going on.

He finds nothing specific to be concerned about. The Dr. then asks,

"Is there anything troubling you that you would like to discuss with me in private?"

The Guy says "no, everything is good with me."

The Doc then meets with the Wife and asks her, "is there anything troubling you that you would like to discuss with me here in private?"

The wife says "well, yes. I am concerned that my husband doesn't seem to want to have sex anymore."

The Doc just chuckles and says "ma'am, this is not unusual at all, you are 89 and your husband is 90.

This is to be expected. So, when did you first notice this?"

She says "well, last night and then again this morning."
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