Post a movie quote! Those viewing these movie quotes may guess the name of the movie.

I liked that movie, very much, and was shocked by the ending. I tried to find the book about the actual case, but it was out of print. The charges and the trial were travesties! The book, "Scapegoats of the Empire," is now available, online, if you look around for it.
Yes, they were scapegoats and yes, they were guilty men, but not of the crime for which they were executed.
I like to mull over the titles, you can feel the correct title trying to break through, but it just won't exhibit itself.
Remedy: sleep on it, it'll come-sometimes.

Tom Hanks says he regretted making Forest Grump.
Really, it made him a very rich man. He put a lot of his own money into the film,
received a percentage on film profits. He made a killing.
Perhaps it wasn't artistic enough, I don't know why he regretted it.
