Suggestions for Spiritual Awakening Audios

If you believe that and you like to read, may I recommend a series of books to you? Journeys Out of the Body, Far Journeys and The Ultimate Journey. Fascinating books written by an extraordinary man named Robert Monroe. As you work your way through his chronicled experiences, you begin to realize that they're expressing what you've described above. If you decide to give them a shot, read them in the order above.
I’m no longer good at reading books but I shall try and check them out.
Thanks 🙏
At the moment I’m listening to a lot of Deepak Chopra. I’m considering joining his site. It’s $70 a year but is packed with wisdom and daily 20 minutes meditations that are different everyday. There are challenges to join. It’s like a holistic transformation of body, mind and soul.

Namasdta everyone. I hope you find much joy in your day.

Hey @PeppermintPatty did I ever mention how much reading Alan Watts’ The Wisdom of Insecurity meant to me in 1978, my year of depression? Well look what I just found:

The one reading is a little robotic but how cool that it id available for free. But wait, there’s more! Here is somebody's summary of the book.

Edited when I discovered the 'book club' was just the one guy droning on about it. I substituted someone's summary of it instead.
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The sayings by Jesus serve to get us through the most difficult times. His main theme is FORGIVENESS! If we forgive everyone who abuses us in any way, we can escape most of our pain and discontent.

Hey @PeppermintPatty did I ever mention how much reading Alan Watts’ The Wisdom of Insecurity meant to me in 1978, my year of depression? Well look what I just found:

The one reading is a little robotic but how cool that it id available for free. But wait, there’s more! Here is somebody's summary of the book.

Edited when I discovered the 'book club' was just the one guy droning on about it. I substituted someone's summary of it instead.
I’m listening to this now.
Thank you 🙏
Reading the Bible is on my bucket list
of things to do before I go. This will sound crazy but I got a children’s version called Action. It’s got pictures and makes it more enticing to read. At least, this is my hope.

The Bible IS the world’s most read book of all time.

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I’ve also signed up for Hallow.
I need more spirituality in my life as well as other like minded people. It’s worth a try. It’s free.
The sayings by Jesus serve to get us through the most difficult times. His main theme is FORGIVENESS! If we forgive everyone who abuses us in any way, we can escape most of our pain and discontent.

I'm a non believer, but still I recall a bible verse about an eye for an eye, so I looked it up.......

Leviticus 24:17-22

English Standard Version

An Eye for an Eye​

17 “Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death. 18 Whoever takes an animal's life shall make it good, life for life. 19 If anyone injures his neighbor, as he has done it shall be done to him, 20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; whatever injury he has given a person shall be given to him. 21 Whoever kills an animal shall make it good, and whoever kills a person shall be put to death. 22 You shall have the same rule for the sojourner and for the native, for I am the Lord your God.”

Is this forgiveness?
I'm a non believer, but still I recall a bible verse about an eye for an eye, so I looked it up.......

Leviticus 24:17-22​

English Standard Version​

An Eye for an Eye​

17 “Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death. 18 Whoever takes an animal's life shall make it good, life for life. 19 If anyone injures his neighbor, as he has done it shall be done to him, 20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; whatever injury he has given a person shall be given to him. 21 Whoever kills an animal shall make it good, and whoever kills a person shall be put to death. 22 You shall have the same rule for the sojourner and for the native, for I am the Lord your God.”

Is this forgiveness?
These are the parts that I don’t get.
If God loves us so much, why the threat of punishment ? Why is God’s wrath so severe and so extensive. Is this God loving us?

Isn’t God a part of our super conscious mind?
Here’s the review that made me decide to buy the book. Pictures on almost every page. Lol
Apparently a lot of adults read it.

“I bought this for myself. I'm 41 years old. They say it's designed for kids but I think it's great for adults too! I have had a Bible for a long time of course, and I've been to church and all that stuff, but I've never read the Bible in full. I've always felt a little guilty about that but I found it so intimidating. This book has really opened it up for me. I guess I'm a visual learner.

This is not the Bible "in full" but it does cover everything and gives you the fundamentals and makes me want to open up the real thing and give it another go. The artwork is great and it even has a sense of humour, like the Israelites with their constant grumbling and complaining saying stuff like "Oh man!" If someone had given me this book when I was a kid I would've been ecstatic!

It's a hardcover book and in full colour on every page. I would've liked if it had some maps like a lot of Bibles do, but that's ok. Kids will love this book and I would encourage parents to read it too. You'll enjoy it. It's not cutesy but they don't go too heavily into some of the more, shall we say, "adult" themes. They kind of gloss over some of that stuff. For instance, there is violence depicted (war, battle scenes, slavery) but no gore (blood, decapitations, disembowelment) and the sexual stuff is kept to a minimum that I really don't think it would lead to any "uncomfortable" questions from younger kids.

For example, when the angels are in the city Sodom and are being pursued by some of the residents of that city, well we all know what the residents REALLY wanted to do to the angels, but this book does not get graphic at all. They just kind of say "Those men are nice looking and they look rich, let's have our way with them" That would've gone right over my head when I was a kid, lol. Anyway, Good book, I'm enjoying it and it has answered a lot of questions I've had already, which is pretty good for something that's not even the full long form Bible. Get it”
Hmm, what about polycultural feminine shamanistic fusion?

This is a long one compared to most she does, and more active and animated than most of them too:

She doesn't speak at the beginning here, but give her a little time. If you hang in there she speaks of God, it isn't paganistic, just non-specific.
Hey @PeppermintPatty did I ever mention how much reading Alan Watts’ The Wisdom of Insecurity meant to me in 1978, my year of depression? Well look what I just found:

The one reading is a little robotic but how cool that it id available for free. But wait, there’s more! Here is somebody's summary of the book.

Edited when I discovered the 'book club' was just the one guy droning on about it. I substituted someone's summary of it instead.
I do like Alan Watts. Very adept at cutting through the BS and getting to the deeper meaning of things. Well chosen words of wisdom delivered with quite a pleasant speaking voice. I have over 50 of his lectures on file.
God source is beyond human evaluation . It’s only a word for the consciousness that cannot be named.

Today I am listening to a course in miracles by Marianne Williamson.
Its very soothing to the soul
I remember that one. A young artist who my daughter had taken an interest in loaned me his well worn copy which I returned to him after about a year. Later I found the Law of One. The two books seem to go hand in hand.
I remember that one. A young artist who my daughter had taken an interest in loaned me his well worn copy which I returned to him after about a year. Later I found the Law of One. The two books seem to go hand in hand.
That’ book is intense reading. I’d have to re-read every paragraph 3 or 4 times. I’ve never read the law of one. I’m really looking forward to my kids Bible with pictures. I’ve always liked books with pictures.
The kids Bible is like one big comic book. The words are too small. If I kept the wrapping, I’d send it back.

Today I’m listening to Joel Olsteen
A life worth living. His words are so soothing.
I’m starting to replace my inner insecure thoughts with positive thoughts. I’ve got to be FOR me, not against me. It’s seems to be a life long lesson. When I feel good about myself, I think it comes across as bragging. I shall stop believing these negative thoughts.
God has a better plan for me.
The kids Bible is like one big comic book. The words are too small. If I kept the wrapping, I’d send it back.

Today I’m listening to Joel Olsteen
A life worth living. His words are so soothing.
I’m starting to replace my inner insecure thoughts with positive thoughts. I’ve got to be FOR me, not against me. It’s seems to be a life long lesson. When I feel good about myself, I think it comes across as bragging. I shall stop believing these negative thoughts.
God has a better plan for me.
I appreciate the thoughts you express here, and that you know that you don't know everything, thereby keeping yourself open to all possibilities for learning and understanding. I have always thought that life was for learning - that there is some very important message or understanding, some secret, we are put here to discover. If we get it we progress to the next level. If we don't get it we have to do it all over again. I like the analogy another member offered, that life is a classroom and death is our diploma. However, not all of us earn that diploma and must repeat all those lessons again and again. Perhaps some of us fail so miserably that we get suspended or expelled.
I appreciate the thoughts you express here, and that you know that you don't know everything, thereby keeping yourself open to all possibilities for learning and understanding. I have always thought that life was for learning - that there is some very important message or understanding, some secret, we are put here to discover. If we get it we progress to the next level. If we don't get it we have to do it all over again. I like the analogy another member offered, that life is a classroom and death is our diploma. However, not all of us earn that diploma and must repeat all those lessons again and again. Perhaps some of us fail so miserably that we get suspended or expelled.
Who knows? Not me! I'm still learning. A wise man I knew once said, "It takes a lifetime to learn how to live a life." With that I do agree.
However, not all of us earn that diploma and must repeat all those lessons again and again. Perhaps some of us fail so miserably that we get suspended or expelled.
Maybe! I don’t have the answer either
That’s why I’m turning to another source. A source who does know. I shall practice living my life with hope and gratitude.
Hope gives us something to look forward to, gives us strength to keep moving forward. Gratitude is a reward we give ourselves, and is an attitude we can cultivate within ourselves. I will be giving a listen to Joel Olsteen this evening. Thank you for mentioning that.
Hope gives us something to look forward to, gives us strength to keep moving forward. Gratitude is a reward we give ourselves, and is an attitude we can cultivate within ourselves. I will be giving a listen to Joel Olsteen this evening. Thank you for mentioning that.
This is so true. I’m streaming him on the tv, listening to audios and actually reading. I haven’t been able to read in so long. My mind was racing too much.
This is so true. I’m streaming him on the tv, listening to audios and actually reading. I haven’t been able to read in so long. My mind was racing too much.
I prefer audiobooks, lectures, and documentaries. Audiobooks which also display the written words in easy to read text I particularly like. I have a KJV read by Alexander Scourby which shows the text as he's reading. Very nice voice.
I prefer audiobooks, lectures, and documentaries. Audiobooks which also display the written words in easy to read text I particularly like. I have a KJV read by Alexander Scourby which shows the text as he's reading. Very nice voice.
Audiobooks are great. They offer the ability to get stuff done while being entertained. My husband is usually listening to his own audio. Thats when listening to the tv isn’t good. I take that into consideration. My husband got me some Joel olsteen audios to listen to. A pleasant voice IS really nice.
