What are you doing today 2023

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Monday cleaners come here at my daughter‘s house soI have to clean up my room in prep for them. Not a big deal, I’m not messy.
Then I will have to have Rambo with me while they are here, he goes crazy even though he’s seen the same ladies every week for 3 years now.
Other than that…the Peloton..maybe.
Daughter going to stores and Ulta, still the 21 days of Beauty sale. I’m staying home..it’s best.

Looking at wedding dresses for Fall wedding.

Our friend's son is getting married.
His mother & I are taking the bride to be shopping.

Bride to be & her husband to be both like out door things,, hunting, etc.
She was talking hunting /leafy colored out fits. 😱 accccck

She's not a girly type, has no idea of what she wants.
Robust build.

I think they want an outdoor wedding ,, too.

So far I've thought short dress & modest type.
Trying to fix my tablet. It died last night so I'm posting from my phone which I don't like to do.
Call me crazy, I possess 4 fully charged and up to date tablets! I am such a voracious reader that I need all of them during a prolonged power outage! We had one last year after Hurricane Fiona went through! So maybe my craziness isn't so crazy after all! :D What am I doing today? Preparing myself mentally for upcoming surgery! :confused:
I took my old paint shaker to another garage. Over $75 and that was just for diagnostics. They reported that the front end vibrations could be remedied by new tires and front disc brake pads and rotors. Their price quote was $664.80 for 4 tires and $631.44 for the brake work. That's more than the wholesale value of the car!
Hope you get a better price at other mechanic.
I just got 4 new tires for my 2012 Chevy Cruze and they were that much and I got the cheapest ones, don’t drive much!
Also, that might be more than your car is worth but you won’t be able to buy one for that price ..that’s for sure.
I took my old paint shaker to another garage. Over $75 and that was just for diagnostics. They reported that the front end vibrations could be remedied by new tires and front disc brake pads and rotors. Their price quote was $664.80 for 4 tires and $631.44 for the brake work. That's more than the wholesale value of the car!
Maybe so, but it'll probably cost you a lot more than that to replace it. Is it in good condition otherwise?
Raining here... .. just been talking on the phone for an hour about necessary evils and legal stuff..with regard to the Marital status .. *ugh*...

Now my head is spinning.. it's all going to be playing on my mind for the next week..
Oh, I'm so sorry... it has to be faced but I know the distastefulness of it. When I was going through my divorce I felt like I had a bowling ball in my gut all the time. HATE conflict!
Hi, boys and girls. I'm home.

It's cold outside but sunny. Only one more night of frost, and we're home free (I think). Mother Nature apparently carries a grudge but must be over it since the weather will warm up starting tomorrow.

Sir was back today. His mother is stable. I guess that's a good thing?

New Lady got assigned to receiving. Her supervisor happens to be the union rep for our store. New lady showed up and said "If I'd known I have to work with you, I'd have stayed home." Whaaaaat? She has a way with words, NOT.

I only knew about it because the store manager paged her to "come upstairs." I was surprised to hear her name and asked Sir what that was about. He told me and said that the union rep told her she could clock out if she wanted to. New Lady said she couldn't afford to leave. Union rep said "I'll write you a check!"

Next thing I know, Sir is out on the sales floor and New Lady waltzes by, stops to talk to him. When he came back he said "She's crazy!" Why did she say such a thing? "I was just playing." Um. Sure. This time she picked absolutely the wrong-est person ever to "play" with.

About five minutes later here comes New Lady again asking Sir for Advil because "I'm in so much pain." He gives her a couple of Advil. Off she goes.

Another 30 minutes or so, here she comes again, Sir not there, she goes into the back where the first aid kit is and helps herself to more Advil, sees Sir on her way past and tells him she got more Advil. There's a first aid kit in every department, including the receiving department, of course.

Maybe an hour or so after that, I had to go to receiving to see the union rep (her supervisor) and there was no sign anywhere of New Lady. I didn't ask, but I bet she went home. Yanno, because she was in so much pain:rolleyes: The reason I think she probably went home is that there's no way on God's green earth that the union rep would have trusted her to work back there unsupervised.


And then...there was a 30-ish woman browsing the display case where the goodies that have to be refrigerated are. I stopped to chat with her, and she said she loves to check out our yummies and...wait for it...she works in a bakery. So, being in recruiting mode;) I asked her if she'd consider making a change, that we're flexible with hours, Sir and I are fun to work with, but I didn't know if we could match her pay, and how many hours did she want to work?

Well...where she is now she's being paid $10/hour. Kroger's $14.50/hour is a tad more than that. She wants to work 20-30 hours a week. She was dressed presentably in a nice sweatshirt and jeans, but she didn't want to meet Sir because "I can't talk to anybody about a job looking like this." (Sure you can!) Just then Sir comes by so I collared him and told him the nice lady works in a bakery. That got his attention! He asked her about hours she'd be available and told her again that we're very flexible. The hours she'd want would fit us perfectly. Got her first name but not her last or her phone number, darn. Gave her the URL to apply on line and made sure she understood to specify that she was only interested in working in the bakery.

Please everybody, face the East for a moment of silent prayer🙏

Anyway, the morning went smoothly, and it's nice to have Sir back.

I'm elected to make green enchiladas for supper.

Off to assemble green enchiladas and make spicy rice.

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