What do you do for exercise? What motivates you to do it?

At 66, I am still working a 40hr week. I have a mostly desk job so I have to get exercise elsewhere. I have a snap fitness membership and do 3 to 4 hours of excercise weekly by going 3 times a week, usually Tuesday and Thursday mornings for an hour before work, then on Saturday mornings for 1 to 2 hours. During the week, I do 20 minutes of cardio on either the treadmill or stationary bicycle or 10 minutes on one and 10 on the other, and ten other exercise machines, 4 for the lower body and the rest for the upper body. On Saturdays my workout is longer, doing the same routine but more reps one each, and sometimes doing two passes on each, or a second time on the treadmill or bicycle. I also do my own maintenance and repairs around the house and the wife and I go motorcycling together any time we can.
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As a result of jumping into the cold Pacific day after day for many years I developed the usual overuse injuries. A physical therapist working with olympic athletes helped me understand strengthening the muscles supporting the joints and I started exercising religiously. Now, no stupid macho seeing how much I could lift and push around but sensible strength training for the entire body plus good stretching. It sure improved my wave riding and wipeouts were no longer so punishing. But, now I'm old and in the way and no longer a wild waterman so I just take things easy.

Hub just had a nuclear stress test and the doc running it kept asking him what he did for exercise...that he couldn't believe how he was so fit and looked so great and hub said "just walk", 3 or 4 miles... everyday, though...lol.
I dance... line dancing, free style

Put on music I love.... slow first, stretch. A little faster to warm up... then a couple really peppy songs (latino--like Gloria Estefan--) to get my heart rate up... reverse to slow again and last stretch.

The thing about dancing is I don't even realize I'm exercising. My brain, my soul, my endorphins are all engaged and I'm just having a blast. =)
I have just started a walking program of my own with my rolling walker. Every day I walk a little more unless I am feeling a lot of pain or I have a chore to do that will limit what I can do afterwards. My doctor said exercise will help a lot instead of rushing into shots in my knees or considering replacements. I am also planning on joining the local YMCA so I can use their pool. Haven't done that yet, but soon I hope.
Walking should help you a lot. Start slow and make small increases. Walking helps keep my knee problems from getting worse. My left knee has arthritis pretty bad. I did get a series of HA shots last November, and I also did 2 weeks of physical therapy right after the shots. IMO walking on a treadmill and riding an exercise bicycle for 15 minutes each 3 times a week has helped more than the shots. I am thinking about not doing the next round of shots when it comes time for them in May. I definitely don't want a knee replacement if I can function w/o it.
Walking should help you a lot. Start slow and make small increases. Walking helps keep my knee problems from getting worse. My left knee has arthritis pretty bad. I did get a series of HA shots last November, and I also did 2 weeks of physical therapy right after the shots. IMO walking on a treadmill and riding an exercise bicycle for 15 minutes each 3 times a week has helped more than the shots. I am thinking about not doing the next round of shots when it comes time for them in May. I definitely don't want a knee replacement if I can function w/o it.
A long time ago........I used to race walk and run up and down bleachers at a high school football field. I can't believe I used to do stuff like that now. I will be happy now just to improve my mobility. Like you said, slow and steady is the key at this point in my life.
I decided to start working out again a few weeks ago and it's not going well. I'm having a lot of pain in my right knee from a torn lateral meniscus that was incurred maybe 15 years ago. I've been doing squats, which may be too hard on the knees. I'm wondering if maybe resistance bands might be a better alternative or riding a stationary bike.
Didn't see any threads on this and am wondering what everyone does to get/keep fit and healthy?

I go to the gym 3 mornings a week, and at home I do dumbbells, lunges, squats, planks, abs, etc etc. I've done a lot of research and building muscle as well as cardio exercise is very important for good health, bone density, stamina, strong heart and lungs, reducing chances of injury, etc etc. So I'll keep doing this until I simply can't any more. I'm 62 but physically feel like about 40. :)
My young female dog waits at the door every morning after breakfast so she is my motivation to go on long walks.
