Recent content by jalou65

  1. J

    What board games do you play?

    I learned Mahjong about 6 months ago and I'm hooked! I play online and also with a group at the senior center. It's fun and good mental exercise.
  2. J

    In general, did your parents and grandparents have long lives?

    Both of my parents passed at age 72. I'm 70 now. Guess I better live it up!
  3. J

    Do you join in your local community?

    That's wonderful of you to volunteer in that way! I've worked with feral cats for many years and it can be very rewarding. In fact all 4 of my cats are ferals that I took in. I hope it goes well for you.
  4. J

    Do you know where you're going to be buried ?

    Cremated. Ashes combined with those of my past pets. Scattered in a preselected spot in the Smoky Mountain National Park.
  5. J

    Do you like being asked to donate to charities at checkout counters in stores?

    I usually donate or round up but I don't like being put on the spot and frequently not knowing anything about the organization I'm giving to. I sometimes wonder when companies advertise the large sums of money they donate to charity if that includes the money donated by us customers.
  6. J

    If you could call up anyone in the world and have a one hour conversation, who would you call?

    That is sad. Would he refuse to talk with you if you called him now?
  7. J

    Mitch McConnell stops talking at new conference

    It's sad the way some hang on when it's obvious their health is in serious decline. It is a pitiful way to end a prominent career.
  8. J

    Manson gang member Leslie Van Houten to be paroled. California stopping appeal of her release

    A little off topic but I wonder how a person who goes into prison at 20 and comes out at 73 goes about resuming life outside of prison. I would think most family members would be deceased. Financially, would she qualify for government assistance?
  9. J

    Does anyone ever feel like dying?

    I like to think that we are all in this together and when one of us chooses suicide it upsets the stability of all of us. Even if we don't know each other. Maybe the common good can be a reason to go on during difficult times. Just a thought.
  10. J

    Trigger Finger?

    That's great that it resolved on its own. How long did that take? Did you ever see the specialist?
  11. J

    Trigger Finger?

    Anyone here have experience with trigger finger? Were you given steroid shots? Surgery? I have it in my ring finger of my left hand (and I'm left handed). I have an appointment scheduled in July with an orthopedic doctor.
  12. J

    Let go of people who aren't ready to love you...

    Darn! I thought my cats love me cause they love me! šŸ˜¢
  13. J

    Maybe I'm just old....

    Things are different now. People really put it all out there. Stuff that I view as private. It tends to make me uncomfortable. I'm not criticizing them. It's me. I'm just old & set in my ways.
  14. J

    People are Leaving their Churches in Droves Today

    I believe in God and that Jesus was the son of God. I don't know what form God takes or how it all fits together. I think it's beyond my comprehension. I believe when we die we have perfect peace. I like those words "perfect peace." To me that is heaven.
  15. J

    What Would You Like To Eat For Your Last Meal?

    Homemade macaroni n' cheese, chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, and Diet Coke. Oh heck...if it's my last meal I'll go with regular Coke. šŸ˜